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Q: What age can a child leave home in Mississippi without parent consent?
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Can a parent take a child out of the country without the consent of the other parent And if they do will child support continue?

You cannot take a child out of the country without the consent of the other parent.

Can a child get an immunization without the consent of parent in Texas?

Certain minors can get a vaccination without parental consent in Texas per a law passed in 2013. Only minors who are pregnant, or are a parent with custody of a child, can receive a vaccination without parental consent.

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Can a parent stop a marriage in Texas?

If the child is a minor (under 18yrs.), yes, the marriage can be stopped by a parent. The child can not marry without the consent of a parent/legal guardian or custodial parent.

Can you legally move out of Georgia at 17 without a parent's consent if you have a child?

Pregnancy/having a child does not emancipate a person.

Can a hospital treat a 16 year old minor without first getting the consent of the parent?

A hospital can treat a 16 year old minor without getting the consent of the parent depending on why the child is being treated. For example, in an emergency situation, the child will generally be treated in the ER without permission from any parent.

Is there such a thing as 'implied consent' when a dentist does a procedure on a minor without first consulting the parent?

Yes. The fact that the parent brought the child to the dentist 'implies' consent to treatment. This is not as compelling as a signed "informed consent" but if it can be established that the parent did or reasonably should have understood that the child would be treated, then implied consent may be sufficient defense against a claim of non-consent.

Can one parent take a child out of the state of Texas without the consent of the other parent?

No, you will need the other parents and the courts permission.

Can a parent move their children from California to another state without the other parent's consent?

No they can not if any court has jurisdiction over the child or the other parent has visitation rights. In that case they need toe parent's consent and court approval.

Can a lawsuit be filed against a parent who changes there child's name without the consent of the other parent?

Depends on who made the change. If the parents are not married to each other the decision what last name the child will have belongs to the mother and she will not need the consent of the father.

The father of the child can marry the mother without a parent consent if they are 17 in the state of Georgia?

They either have to have the parental consent or a court order to get a marriage license.

Can a 17 year old female with a child get medical care for herself without parent consent in North Carolina?

For herself? No. For her child? Yes.