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Q: What age can a child use a sauna?
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How long should you take a sauna?

There is no age limit. I was a baby when I was first time in sauna, so I would guess when the baby is old enough to be on the sandbox on the playground and as long as the heat in the sauna is not really high and someone is supervising the small child, it's okay. The time spent should be very limited as the stress put on the child's circulatory system is high.

How long will you have to sit inside of a sauna with a sauna suit on to sweat off a couple pounds?

You don't use sauna suit in the sauna.

Are sauna suits safe for children?

Yes, sauna suits are safe for the children, but don't use them in the sauna.

Can a sauna harm you?

If you have certain conditions or you are pregnant, it is not advised to use sauna

Does a sauna use chemical energy?

No, sauna works on electricity or burning firewood.

Can you use infrared sauna if you have silicons?

Yes, you can go to the sauna even if you have silicons.

Is it safe to use a sauna everyday?

It is safe to use sauna every day, as long as you don't do it for long periods at a time.

Can diabetics use an infrared sauna?

My mother is a diabetic and she goes to sauna several times a week.

Can you use a heat detector in dried sauna?


Can you use electronics in a sauna?

You can, but I wouldn't recommend it, since it is really humid and hot in sauna, and both levels are above recommended electronics use levels.

Is veneer can used for sauna doors?

Yes, you can use veneer for sauna door, even tho it is not the best material for it.

Can you wear a sauna suit in the sauna?

No! Sauna suits are very dangerous in the sauna. They interfere with your body's ability to sweat. If you're wearing a vinyl suit, they give off huge quantities of toxic chemicals that can injure you and your sauna companions. Plus the sauna suit is an insulator, so it's going to slow down the effects of the sauna. The best use of a sauna is wearing as little as possible, so most of your skin is exposed to the heat and your body can sweat freely.