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When the puppy is 6 weeks old you could lightly brush them on your lap. The pup will think it's 'play time.' I always let the pup smell the brush first and then gently groom it. You may only get a few strokes of the brush going at first, but keep it up and eventually they will love being groomed and it's much easier on you. Get your puppy accustomed to having his/her paws, ears, mouth, face and tail touched. You want your dog to eventually have no problems with brushing, drying, ear cleaning, ear plucking, nail clipping, and hair cutting. Many puppies may not act very good for the first time hearing a dryer or clippers. Slowly introduce the sounds and feeling or the dryer and clippers at 6 to 8 weeks.

If you are not going to be grooming your dog yourself be sure you introduce your dog to your groomer at 6 to 8 weeks.


as soon as you get your pup around 6weeks you can bring him in to get a bath and have their nails done and sanitary things like eyes and potty and pads of feet trimmed. when ever the hair is too long for you to maintain or you don't' like the look they can have a full cut call around some groomers believe they have to be 6mo - 1yr for this but that's not true. if you first bring your puppy home and they don't need maintance yet then yes brush them daily if you can (while you watch tv) and play with their feet and ears

I've giving puppies full haircuts as early as 6wks and as long as you have a nice groomer the puppy will find the experience fun and strange but it helps in the experience


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14y ago

It really depends because every dog matures at a different age, some at 6 months, some at 1yr, but to be on the safe side i would wait till your dog hits one year or older, your Vet should be able to tell from taking your dog for a visit, You Vet would be the safest way of knowing. Good Luck!

-Jackie Lanier-

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It is best to wait until your dog is at least 5 months old before giving them a bath.

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16y ago

After it has weaned.

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Q: What age can a puppy take its first bath?
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What age can you bath a puppy?

when the puppy is six months old because the body is adapting to water

What age can a puppy takes a bath?

It is best to wait until your dog is at least 5 months old before giving them a bath.

When can newborn puppies have their first bath?

No. Just take a warm wash cloth, with excess water squeezed out, and wipe down and dry well. However; there really shouldn't be a need for any of this, as the mother will clean them very well. Puppies can also have a bath when they are about 6 months old. BUT BE GENTLE!!!!!!!!!

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It has to be at least 8 weeks because if you bathe it from 1 month to 7 months it could die.

What age can a dog take a bath?

anytime in there life

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When they poop for the first time.

How old should your puppy be before you give it a bath?

You can wash a puppy at any age depending on how you do it. Newborn puppies can be washed gently with a warm washcloth, and you can use most dog shampoos once puppies are at least 12 weeks old.

What age should you be to read sick puppy?

my advice is that nobody can.Not even at a certain age but a veterinarian can.If you have a puppy take it to the vet.You will know if it is sick or not.

When your puppy is sick at the age of 6 or 7 weeks age what do you do?

You take him to your veterinarian for a check-up.

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At a similar age to when you had your coccyx severed.

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4 years of age.

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A dog is a puppy until it reaches one year of age.