

What age can snails breed?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What age can snails breed?
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What breed of snails can you eat?

All of them.

What age to snails breed?

If left undisturbed, snails can copulate for up to an hour.

Do you have to be a particular age to eat snails in France?

There's no legal age to eat snails. But they may be "chewy", so it is best to have teeth.

Can you put garden snails in your fish tank?

Yes snails can live in a fish tank, and they can breed.

Do you need two trapdoor snails to breed?

The aquatic trapdoor snail is a livebearer. It needs two snails to reproduce, but it would be possible for them to be purchased pregnant then have babies on their own.

How do you make snails mate?

Get to snails [same breed] put them in a tank with wet soil plenty of greens and in 1-2 week's they will mate and lay eggs

Should snails live together in a fish bowl?

Absolutley yes. I had about 3 snails in my fish tank, they breed and make more. Make sure that they do not slide up the sides. But apple snails and golden mystery snails love to live in such a habitat. Glad I could help. (:

Do you need the same breed of snail to breed them?

No, breeding is when you take two breeds of an animal or in your case snails and make them have children and the children are now a new breed of snail so no you cannot have 1 breed to create a new breed you need 2

How do snails interact with humans?

Snails eat from our vegetable gardens. In return we poison them, or, sometimes we rear them and eat them cooked in garlic and garnished with a squeeze of lemon (escargots!). I breed them. They are very social animals. I would never kill them. I never have. I breed them to keep their population up.

How do you breed your foopet at 8 weeks old?

You souldent think that cose u cant breed at that age breed at 4 moths or at age 1

How does a dogs age chart go?

Age of dog in human yearsSmall breedage in dog yearsMedium breed -age in dog yearsLarge breed age in dog years115151522424243282828432323253636366404245744475084851559525661105660661160657212646977136874821472788815768393168087120

How do you make snails?

Get to snails [same breed] put them in a tank with wet soil plenty of greens and in 1-2 week's they will mate and lay eggs