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age of 13-14

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Q: What age could girls get married in the 1500?
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Why did girls get married at a young age in the 1500's?

Young girls and boys will get married young because of property and family alliance.

What age do Guatemalan girls get married?

you could be 15 yerars old in order to get married

How old did girls get married in the Renaissance?

In the renaissance girls were legally allowed to get married at the age of 12 but if they decide earlier they can get married at the age of 7.

What age did girls get married in ancient rome and when was it then or now?

it is not quite clear. There is disagreement among scholars. Some say that girls married when they reached puberty and some argue that they married at around the age of 20. Marriages between affluent families were arranged and girls could be betrothed before puberty.

What age were Sparta girls allowed to marry?

Girls typically married between the ages of 13 and 14.

Can girls get married at a younger age than boys?

No. Same age.

At what age did girls get married in the 1700?


What was the average age for girls to get married?


Where is it legal to get married at the age of seventeen?

I suggest you go to India,girls there even at the age of fourteen can get married.

What age do women get married at in the 1700s?

It depended a lot on the individual person. Girls as low as twelve or thirteen could get married, but this wasn't very common. 16-21 would be a good guide for an average age. Some would be married again if their husbands died, so they could get married quite late.

What age did girls get married in ancient Greece?


Do girls at the age of 12 get married in Africa?

Yes it is true that girls in Africa are getting married at the age of 12 years , but this is done only among the tribal people.