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I don't think His actual age is known, but if you just look in an index of a Bible, you'll find it.

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Q: What age did Jesus Christ die at and where is it in the bible?
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According to the Holy Bible Where did Jesus Christ die?

on golgotha hill

When did Jesus Christ die and where?

around 33A.D and he died in Jerusalem. you can find this in the gospel readings of the bible. matthew, mark, luke and john.

Did Jesus Christ die of cancer?

No. He was killed by the Roman method of crucifixion, by nailing Him on a cross of wood. Reports in the bible say that He died from a broken heart.

What was the age of Jesus when he died on the cross?

If God is eternal, and is therefore, by definition, also immortal, then God has no age and cannot and does not die. God hasn't died he is still alive and looking over us!

How did Jesus die for real?

Jesus Christ died on a Roman Cross, by crucifixion.

At what age are children responsible for their actions according to the bible?

What do you mean? everybody has to be punished for their sins. Romans 6:23: For the wages of sin is DEATH; but the gift of God is ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. Which obvi means that Jesus died for our sins so we don't have to die. So if you think about it, it's not that we r not responsible 4 our sins but just that Jesus Christ was. and is and is to come. sry can't say was without saying was and is and is to come

Who died for The Bible?

I think that some would say that Jesus was the only one to die for the Bible. The Bible is Gods law and Jesus came to fulfill the law.By His death ; the law was fulfilled,and by His death and resurrection ;Satan was defeated !!!!!! Most importantly, because He died for us Salvation is obtainable through faith in Jesus! The question you asked is really a rabbit trail! I tried to answer it with the most important death, and that was Christ Jesus. Without his shedding of His perfect blood ; there would be no remission for sins. And only by grace, through faith; is Salvation obtainable!! PS: People didn't die for the Bible they died for their belief in Christ. Sometimes in countries where religion is restricted, people die for possessing a Bible, as well as for believing what is taught in it.

What were Jesus Christ Accomplishments?

if you read the Gospel part of The Bible, it tells of many miracles of Jesus. He also is the son of God that was crucified on the cross to die for our sins, and ressurected 3 days later

Why extent will you follow Christ?

TO DEATH! He is the Saviour, he died for us. We shouldn't be ashamed to die for him, than. We must believe that he has the power to resurrect us. Faithful men throughout the Bible died for THE LORD JESUS CHRIST as well.

Why did Peter die?

because he was the deciple of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Why Peter die?

because he was the deciple of Jesus Christ our Lord.

In which city did Jesus Christ die?

According to the gospels, Jesus died in the Roman province of Judea.