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Young men and women get pubic hair when they reach puberty. It is natures way to protect the body. Shaving it off, as the fashion today, does nothing and is not a good idea.

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14y ago

The loss of pubic hair is not a natural occurrence. women shave themselves to appear younger.

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Q: What age do most women stop shaving their pubic hair?
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What country has the most hairy vaginas?

Women in Japan, Korea and almost all of east asia are very conservative when it comes to keeping the pubic hair, regardless of how old they are. Shaving the pubic hair is only common in Thailand and the Moslem countries but it´s nowhere near as common as in the US. Contrary to popular belief surprisingly few women in for instance Russia keep the bush these days.

Do women like it when men shave their pubic hair?

Yes, men like women with pubic hair. All adult women have pubic hair, thus a man who is attracted to adult women (rather than children) likes to see an adult womans body. Some men may have a preference to their partners removing their pubic hair, but all men should expect and respect that adult women have pubic hair.

Can girls cut pubic hair?

First of all it helps to keep the vagina clean and mostly during periods, most men prefer having intercourse with a woman who has shaved pubic hair, it is considered sexy by the woman herself and/or her partner, it helps to keep the pubic area dry either from sweating and last but not least; for some women the pubic hair can make the vagina sore during friction and/or hair pulling during sex.

How do you make your hair curly no heat?

The most common solution to curling one's hair without the use of heat is to simply use hair removal wax to remove all hair from atop the head, then, using a pair of electric shaving clippers, shave all pubic hair from the groin and anal regions, and using common household super-glue, reattach this pubic hair atop the shaven head.

Where are people most hairy?

Women tend to be hairiest in their pubic region and legs and armpits. Men tend to be hairiest in their pubic region, legs, armpits, stomachs, and chests (+ facial hair).

Why should girls shave?

some parts of the body need to be shaved do to your body and health and puberty so that's why you should shave unless your a guy then you don't shave

Do men like women to shave their pubic hairs?

What men like is irrelevant.Aside from the fact not all men share one hive brain, their preferences do not impact on how women personally chose to groom themselves. The fact is that adult women are supposed to have pubic hair, it's part of the role of pubic hair to protect the genitals and pubic hair is a sign of sexual maturity. Most adult men want a sexual partner who looks like a sexually mature adult, not like a pre-pubescent child.

Is all hair below the waist called pubic hair?

Hair that surrounds the "pubic" region, specifically that around the external genitalia, is referred to as pubic hair or "Pubes". Hair that appears elsewhere on the body is not considered "pubic" hair even though it may become more pronounced or heavier during puberty when pubic hair grows most rapidly.

Is it common to shave your pubic hair?

Yes it is very common. Most women shave because they feel embarrassed or they feel it isn't very attractive, so shave away. What I do is that I use Veet on the places with a lot of hair, then I shave around the hole of the vagina so it won't get in there and burn. :) And don't worry about razor bumps around your bikini line if you just shave it, it's common also, but very annoying! Oh, and alcohol doesn't help, it just burns!! I suggest bikini zone for that.

Do most gay men like pubic hair or no pubic hair?

I would say very little if not none but that's just me

What is bikini rash?

Bikini Rash is generally caused by shaving down the upper inside of the legs to the pubic area on a woman. This leaves a rash and stubble. That's why most young women go for waxing.

Shaving with Fordyce spots?

Don't do it! God put pubic hair there for a reason. Allowing your pubic hair to grow out WILL most likely reduce Fordyce spots, and possibly obliterate them completely. I am not a physician or medical professional, and would recommend that you speak to one. I'm speaking from personal experience, as I am a male porn star, and Fordyce spots former "victim".