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Q: What age does a demigod show its powers?
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What happens if a god marries a demigod?

When a god marries a demigod the demigod receives the same powers as the god. Which makes the demigod now more powerful the god. So the demigod has their powers and the powers of the god.

Does a demigod son of Apollo have any powers?

Asclepius was really a demigod, but became the god of healing.

What powers does a demigod child of Apollo have?

There is no way of knowing that.

What powers do Athena's demigod children have?

She had none, she was a virgin goddess.

Did Perseus have powers?

No, Perseus was a mortal. actually Perseus was a demigod (half god and half mortal) his father is Zeus and mother is Danae(a mortal)

Hero is a person in greek mythology?

Yes, a Hero in greek mythology was cosiderd as a mortal or human that had extordenary powers or was an offspring of a God-Mortal, DemiGod-Mortal or God-DemiGod and inherting powers by a godly gen of one of the parents making their powers relevent.

How do you know who your god parent is if i am a demigod?

They will either send a sign or you will have to find out by using your powers.

What are the functions for Hercules?

He was a demigod and a hero. Not being a god he had no special powers. He is famous for his labors.

What powers does a demigod child of Ares have?

A demigod child of Ares would have skilled control of weapons (without training), superiour horsemanship, and in many cases are master strategists.

What powers does a demigod child of Zeus have?

The Power Of Zeus Children is the power to throw lighting bolts.

Can a demigod take a hit from a minotaur?

It depends on how powerful the demigods is, which then depends on which God fathered the Demigod. Minotaurs dont have any powers as such. I believe they rely on their size. Anyhow, in most cases id say the Demigod could take the hit, then destroy the minotaur.

If the Greek goddess Artemis had a demigod child what type of powers and skills would he or she have?

The Greek goddess Artemis was a virgin goddess, so she had no children. If she did have a demigod child, her/his powers would be similar to Artemis'. They would probable be able to shoot an arrow with perfect aim and heal.