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Spina Bifida is a birth defect, which means it affects people all their lives, they are born with it.

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Q: What age group is affected by spina bifida?
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What age and gender is usually affected by Spina Bifida?

Spina Bifida is a birth defect, so the "age" question is answered simply by "all ages of people". Spina Bifida occurs in both genders, but is more common in females.

Can you have a car accident and then develope spina bifida at age 32?

Not spina bifida. It is a birth defect. But you can become a paraplegic and lose the use of your legs. Spina bifida is caused most often by lack of vitamin B and probably by being exposed to certain drugs and alcohol in the womb.

Your child can't urinate due to Spina Bifida but was able to urinate from 1 month of age till now Why now she can't urinate?

There can be progressive nerve damage in Spina Bifida shortly after birth.

Can Spina Bifida cause rheumatoid arthritis?

The exact cause for Rheumatoid arthritisis not known however there seems to be no known connection between Spina Bifida and Rheumatoid arthritis. Spina Bifida seems to be caused by a deficiency of folic acid during pregnancy, while arthritis is an auto-immune disease. As people age, though, they are prone to developing arthritis in overused joints.

Where in the genes is the spina bifida located?

Spina Bifida is not located in any gene. Spina bifida is not a genetically inherited disorder. There are people or families that are more likely to have a child with spina bifida because of their environment. They are more likely to eat certain foods than others because that's what their parents cooked and that's what they know how to cook or that's what they have to eat. Spina bifida is caused by a lack of folic acid (folate). Folate neutralizes valproic acid which is the biggest indicator for spina bifida. In other words, we don't know why but if there are higher than normal levels of valproic acid in your body in the first 15-26 days after conception, your chances of having a child with spina bifida go up. The only way to prevent it is for women of child bearing age to take a multivitamin with folate everyday even if they are not trying to conceive. Most women don't know they're pregnant when the defect occurs.

Should a woman born with Spina Bifida ever conceive a child?

Yes. Spina Bifida does not effect the reproductive system. If the man can get an erection, he can have children, unless he has a reproductive problem unrelated to Spina Bifida, such as too low of a sperm count.

What is the connection between spina bifida and folic acid?

Spina Bifida is an NTD (Neural Tube Defect) affecting the spinal column/cord. Folic Acid, also known as Vitamin B9 is known to help the develop the neural tube (spinal cord and brain) during fetal development. Women of child rearing age who are trying to get pregnant/are pregnant are encouraged to take higher than normal quantities of Folic Acid to help reduce the chances that their baby could have spina bifida. Women should start taking the higher dose at least 3 months before getting pregnant and then throughout their pregnancy, this is especially important for women who have a family history of spina bifida or have spina bifida themselves.

Can Spina Bifida end life short?

It is possible, but it depends on its severity. Some people with a strong case of meylomeningocele may have more lack of oxygen towards the brain, or more severe bladder and kidney infections due to permanent catheterization. Others wont. I suffer from the harshest one, but I can walk, run, etc and I have only needed two surgeries all my life, but I self-catheterise. So it really depends on how severe and birth deformed it affected the person.

Is there any way to detect a carrier of Spina Bifida?

Down syndrome is not a traditional "genetic" malady that is necessarily transferred from a healthy individual,this is a random mutation in the 21st chromosome where there are 3 instead of 2. There is no such thing as a carrier of Down

What is the mortality of spina bifida?

about 85% of infants survive, and about 50% will be able to walk. Bowel and bladder disorders contribute significantly to morbidity and mortality in those with spina bifida who survive past the age of two years.

What age group is most affected by Down syndrome?

No age group is affected; Down syndrome is a chromosome condition that is with you at birth.

What age group is affected most by divorce?

the age group most affected by divorce is 5-8 yr olds