It is possible, but it depends on its severity. Some people with a strong case of meylomeningocele may have more lack of oxygen towards the brain, or more severe bladder and kidney infections due to permanent catheterization. Others wont. I suffer from the harshest one, but I can walk, run, etc and I have only needed two surgeries all my life, but I self-catheterise. So it really depends on how severe and birth deformed it affected the person.
No. Spina Bifida is a hereditary disease, which is passed through the patients' parents' genes. It is not contagious nor communicable in any way.
No, it does not spread. SPINA BIFIDA IS A BIRTH DEFECT. I have a lot of information about Spina Bifida because my son was born with it in 2005. IT ISN'T ANYONE'S FAULT. Surgery at 2 days old can close the opening in the spine. (mom of a 3 yr. old with Spina Bifida and a healthy 1 yr. old)
Very rarely is Spina Bifida fatal. Usually it results in difficulty in using the legs and sometimes bladder and bowel control problems, as well as often being accompanied by hydrocephalus (water on the brain), which is easily managed with surgery to put a shunt in the head (a shunt is a tube that drains fluid out of the brain). People with Spina Bifida can sometimes have problems with urinary tract infections, which can become serious if not treated, but there are antibiotics to treat them effectively.
Yes, in several ways. First, a child with Spina Bifida is often also born with hydrocephalus, water on the brain. If the hydrocephalus is not well controlled with a shunt, or if the shunt becomes infected, that can lead to death. Another thing that can end the life of a person with Spina Bifida is urinary tract infections that get out of control. A third threat to the life of a person with Spina Bifida is pressure sores, which can become severe and infected to the point of killing the person. So these things must be carefully monitored and controlled for the entire life of a person with Spina Bifida.
Spina bifida doesn't follow a strict inheritance pattern, but hereditary factors do play some role, though it is not completely understood yet.
Mothers who have had one child with spina bifida have a 3-4% chance of their next child having spina bifida, while the general population only has a 0.1-0.2% chance. In the case a pregnant woman has a family history of spina bifida, it is recommended that they take a higher dose of folic acid than other pregnant women. Here again, folic acid plays a role in preventing neural tube defects (like spina bifida), but the mechanism is not well understood.
Also, for an unknown reason, it is more prevalent in female children than in male children.
There is reduced life expectancy associated withthe most severe form of spina bifida, called spina bifida cystica - myelomeningocele, which means that some part of the actual spinal cord is poking up through the skin of the back. However, with improved treatments, 75% of these individuals are living into early adulthood (but some are living into middle age, and even old age!).
Because 50% of all pregnancies are unplanned, most researchers of folic acid and Spina Bifida would like to see all women of child bearing age take a daily supplement of .4 mg folic acid. (400 micrograms)Women who are at increased risk, who either have Spina Bifida themselves or who have had a prior pregnancy or child effected by NTD, should increase the amount to 4.0 mg (4000 micrograms) daily by prescription one to three months before they plan to conceive and through the end of the the first trimester.Any woman planning to conceive should speak to her health care provider about folic acid.
That life is short and will end
Genes have codes on them that supply information or traits inheritedfrom each of our parents, when we then go on to have a baby the woman's egg and the man's sperm together add a new supply of these traits to their baby. It is the matter that combines to make our baby a unique combination of each parent.The trait for Spina Bifida is what would be found in a genetic study. How great the dangers after finding the trait along with trying to determine what other factors contribute to a child developing the defect and what can be done to prevent the damage. At this time studies suggest it is probably caused by genetic, dietary and environmental factors.Certain anti-seizure medications, diabetes, maternal obesity, an increased body temperature from fever or hot tubs, having a relative with spina bifida; all can increase the chances a woman will conceive a baby with a spina bifida. Most women who give birth to babies with spina bifida have none of these risk factors, and so despite years of research, it is still unknown what causes the majority of cases.Scientists know when parents carry the gene for Spina Bifida their children carry a higher risk of having the birth defect. They also know a daily dose of folic acid (Vitamin B) in women at risk, taken before conception reduces the risk of having a baby with the defect up to 75%. When a couple has given birth to a baby with neural tube defects (NTDs), future children carry about a 3% increase in risk, that risk can be reduced to about 1% if the woman takes high doses of folic acid before and during pregnancy. Continued use of folic acid during pregnancy may reduce the severity of the defects when they do occur. It is unknown how or why folic acid has this effect.Spina Bifida meaning split spine (Latin), is a developmental defect meaning it occurred during embryonic development. Often before the woman realizes she has conceived, the cells that form an early central nervous system come together and fuse between day 21 and 28 forming a single neural tube that will connect and house the brain, fluid and spinal cord. If in the first 28 days, the neural tube fails to close. The result is a defect of the central nervous system called Spina Bifida.When a fetus is found on ultra sound to have Spina Bifida, the risk is determined by what the defect actually consists of. The spine usually provides a protective tube of bones with the nerves (spinal cord) running down the middle. In severe cases of Spina Bifida there can be an opening in the skin and muscles usually found in the babies lower back, the bones do not close round the spinal cord and the nerves can bulge out of the unborn baby's back. Either defects in the spinal cord and/or injury to the protruding nerves can leave the baby paralyzed. While the opening in the spine can be closed, any damage to the nerves is usually permanent. Spina Bifida is the most common permanently disabling birth defect in the United States. Affecting approximately 1 in 1,000 births.Spina Bifida is not just one condition; it is a catch phrase for a multitude of problems affecting the body and the mind. Possibly more important the spirit of everyone in the family.NTDs can involve both the spinal cord causing nerve damage and paralysis and also development of the brain; anencephaly is a neural tube defect (NTD) that occurs when the head end of the neural tube fails to close, this can cause a portion of the brain and skull to be malformed or missing. Infants born with this condition are born missing part of the cerebrum, most having this condition are blind and deaf.Encephalocele, is usually determined shortly after birth when the membrane that covers the brain protrudes through a small opening in the skull. The severity depends on where on the head it forms and whether the brain tissue is also found to be outside of the cranium. Both physical and mental delays are common issues, paralysis, microcephaly, vision problems, seizures and mental retardation.Children with Spina Bifida often have hydrocephalus, which literally means water on the brain, but the fluid is actually cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), malformed ventricles aren't able to drain and excess fluid will build up. The worst case scenario is the presence of excess fluid build up putting pressure on the brain. The pressure can push brain tissue aside causing more damage and is the reason a shunt is put in to the brain allowing excess to be drained off into the abdomen where it is reabsorbed by the body.Spina Bifida Occulta (or hidden) is the most mild form. In occulta, the outer part of some of the vertebrae are not completely closed. The split in the vertebrae is so small that the spinal cord does not protrude. The skin over the lower spine on a person with occulta may appear normal, or there may be a small dimple, a dermal sinus, a lipoma or birth mark.Spina Bifida Cystica A cyst protrudes through the defect in the vertebral arch causing a dorsal dural sac looking much like a blister on the baby's back. The terms spina bifida and myelomeningocele are usually used interchangeably. Spina bifida cystica may result in hydrocephalus and neurological deficits.Meningocele is the less severe and less common defect, where the spinal cord does not protrude into a dural sac and the vertebrae develop normally. However the meninges are forced into the gaps between the vertebrae causing tethering and the surgery to free the cord has notbeen found to be of great success due to scar tissue forming. Untethering is the second most common surgical procedure after shunts in children with Spina Bifida.Myeolomeningocele is a protrusion from the an opening in the spinal column in which the sac pressed through the bony opening contains tissue and cerebro-spinal fluid but also nerves and part of the spinal cord. The spinal cord is not properly developed or damaged. As a result, there is always some paralysis and loss of sensation from the damaged region down. The amount of disability depends on where the Spina Bifida is, and the amount of affected nerve tissue involved. Most people with myelomeningocele experience bower and bladder problems due to the loss of spinal pathways relaying information up and down the spinal cord .Spina bifida with myeloschisis is the most severe form of spina bifida cystica. In this defect, the involved area represented by a flattened, plate-like mass of nervous tissue with no overlying membrane. The exposure of these nerves and tissues make the baby more prone to life-threatening infections and surgery is usually performed soon after birth, if the baby is medically stable. If the opening is small enough doctors may leave it to heal on it's own.These conditions can be diagnosed in utero by ultrasound imaging. or the basis of elevated levels of alpha-fetoprotein after amniocentesis.Research has shown that up to 75% of all people with Spina Bifida have an allergy to latex. Because allergies can develop over time and reactions can be progressively worse the doctors and other caretakers need to limit the amount of latex products that come into contact with their patients who have NTD starting at birth.Currently there are studies underway to determine whether surgery performed in utero or waiting until after birth provides the best outcome When surgery is performed on a fetus skin grafts are used to cover the exposed spinal cord, to protect it from further damage caused by prolonged exposure to amniotic fluid. The surgery may prevent more damage from occurring but at this time damage to the spinal cord cannot be repaired. The fetal surgery may decrease some of the damaging effects of the spina bifida, but the is risk to both the fetus and the pregnant woman.The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), a part of the NIH, is currently looking for women pregnant with a baby known to have Spina Bifida. The Management of Myelomeningocele Study (MOMS) website has information on the trial, at attached link.
Nope just a coincidence
The spina (spine) was the raised middle of the Circus Maximus. It acted as a barrier which separated the two sides of the circuit of the racing track. There was a series of bronze dolphins at either end of the spina which marked each lap of the chariots which raced around this dividing point, 12 abreast. Much of what remained of the spina's base and structural supports can be seen in photographs taken prior to 1962. Unfortunately, they were lost during an aborted archaeological survey in the mid-1960's.
you can but it will only damage your valves and make short life of your engine
Famous Physically Handicapped People1. Sarah Bernhardt: French actress (1844-1923) Disabled by a knee injury, her leg amputated in 1914, she continued starring on stage until just before her death. She is regarded as France's greatest actress -- "The Divine Sarah".2. Beethoven: Composer: Was deaf when he composed his 9th symphony.3. Winston Churchill: had a learning disability.4. Walt Disney: had a learning disability.5. Edison: Had a learning disability. He couldn't read until he was twelve years old and had a very difficult time writing even when he was older.6. Albert Einstein: Mathematician/Physicist: Had a learning disability and did not speak until age 3. He had a very difficult time doing math in school. It was very hard for him to express himself through writing.7. Goya: Spanish painter (1746-1828): At age 46, an illness left him deaf. He went on to create the most famous Spanish art of the 19th century.8. Alexander Graham Bell: had a learning disability.9. Stephen Hawking: physicist/mathematician has Lou Gehrigs Disease and is in a wheelchair. He needs a computer to speak.10. Milton: English Author/poet (1608-1674): He became blind at age 43. He went on to create his most famous epic, Paradise Lost.11. George Patton: This World War II General had a learning disability.12. Nelson Rockefeller: former Vice President: had a learning disability: dyslexia.13. President Roosevelt: At age 39, his legs were paralyzed by polio. He became governor of New York state and was elected president four times.14. Harriett Tubman: Abolitionist (1830-1913): As a child she was struck by an overseer. The blow fractured her skull and resulted in narcolepsy for the rest of her life. She rescued hundreds of slaves on the underground railroad.15. Werner Von Braun: had a learning disability and often flunked his math tests in high school.16. George Washington: Had a learning disability. He could barely write and had very poor grammar skills.17. Woodrow Wilson: U.S. President from 1913-1921. Had a learning disability -- was severely dyslexic.18. Robert M. Hensel: Disability Advocate,Poet & 2x World record holder was born with Spina bifida19. Stevie Wonder- blinded as a child, world famous pianist and singer.
No. The word "wife" has a long I sound thanks to the silent E on the end. It rhymes with life and knife.
On May 28, 1996, President Bill Clinton announced Agent-Orange Related Disability Benefits for Vietnam Veterans including prostate cancer and the neurological disorder peripheral neuropathy are entitled to disability payments based upon their exposure to Agent Orange. He went on to say his administration will also propose to congress, legislation to meet the needs of veterans' children afflicted with the birth defect spina bifida-the first time the children of American soldiers have received benefits for combat-related health problems.October 1, 1997, the Spina Bifida Health Care Programprovides health benefits for Vietnam veterans' birth children diagnosed with spina bifida. Only 22 years after the conflict came to an end and 28 years after studies linked chemicals in Agent Orange to birth defects in laboratory animals.This was followed by coverage for children born to female members of the Armed Forces who were stationed in Vietnam the same years their male counterparts. The coverage offers a wider variety of birth defects as long as there is no family history and they are not caused by alcohol abuse. Sadly this is still excluding a very large number of children born missing limbs, with severe deformities and a high rate of childhood cancers, whose parents are convinced was do to the fathers being exposed to Agent Orange, dioxins and similar chemicals.December 16, 2003, the Spina Bifida Health Care Program provides health benefits for Korea veterans' birth children diagnosed with spina bifida.""The birth defects of children of women Vietnam veteransthat 1) are associated with Vietnam service; and 2) result in permanent physical or mental disability. Birth defects not included in this benefit program as those abnormalities that result from the following: 1) a familial disorder; 2) a birth-related injury, 3) a fetal or neonatal infirmity with well-established causes. The law defines the term "child" as an individual, regardless of age or marital status that is the natural child of a woman Vietnam veteran, and was conceived after the veteran first entered Vietnam."Beginning in 1962, about 19 million gallons of herbicides were sprayed over South Vietnam to defoliate vegetation used as cover by enemy troops. In 1969, studies linked chemicals in Agent Orange to birth defects in laboratory animals use of all the defoliants was halted by 1971. However, tens of thousands of the three million Americans who served in Southeast Asia are thought to have been exposed to the chemicals.In 1990, an independent scientific review of the literature was sponsored by Vietnam Veterans of America, the American Legion, and the National Veterans Legal Services Project. Seven independent scientists and physicians on this Agent Orange Scientific Task Force concluded that elevated incidences of birth defects in the children of Vietnam veterans were found in several studies. These included spina bifida, oral clefts, cardiovascular defects, hip dislocations, and malformations of the urinary tract. In addition, defects of the digestive tract and other neoplasms such as neuroblastoma also were higher in Vietnam veterans' children. The same defects are also found in children born to the Vietnamese who were subjected to the same exposures of dioxins.When compared to non-veterans' children the children of Vietnam veterans have shown consistent and chronic increases in ADD, LD and behavioral disorders; immune system disorders including chronic infections and childhood cancers, allergies and asthma, childhood diabetes, thyroid disorders, multiple skin disorders and abnormalities of the palate and tooth development. Ongoing studies of prenatal exposures to dioxins and similar chemicals continue to support these associations.The following links are intended for people wanting more information on herbicides and the long term damage still being discovered and families who are in need of these services. pdf pdf Veterans' Benefits Act of 1997 (38 U.S.C. §1805).Public Law 110-387, Section 408Public Law 106-419 VA
A short tube on the end of a hose is called a nozzle.
Mainly Karma Siddhanta and how to reach god at the end, being happy in material world also. This is in short.
The spina (spine) was the raised middle of the Circus Maximus. It acted as a barrier which separated the two sides of the circuit of the racing track. There was a series of bronze dolphins at either end of the spina which marked each lap of the chariots which raced around this dividing point, 12 abreast. Much of what remained of the spina's base and structural supports can be seen in photographs taken prior to 1962. Unfortunately, they were lost during an aborted archaeological survey in the mid-1960's. Augustus erected an obelisk from Egypt at its centre. It was excavated in the 16th Century. It now stands in the centre of the Piazza del Popolo and is known as the Flamino Obelisk.