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Q: What age is associated with apeak reasoning creativity and vebal skills?
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What language do Spaniards apeak?


Meaning of culture and culture of peace?

culture is the way people think and behave. this includes way they dress, the type of food they eat and the language they speak. for example Muslims eat hala meat, women cover all parts of their body and the majority apeak Arabic the language of the Holy Quran.

What are some five letter words with 2nd letter P and 3rd letter E and 4th letter A?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 6 words with the pattern -PEA-. That is, five letter words with 2nd letter P and 3rd letter E and 4th letter A. In alphabetical order, they are: apeak speak speal spean spear speat

What are some five letter words with 2nd letter P and 3rd letter E and 5th letter K?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 5 words with the pattern -PE-K. That is, five letter words with 2nd letter P and 3rd letter E and 5th letter K. In alphabetical order, they are: apeak apeek speak speck spelk

What are some five letter words with 1st letter A and 3rd letter E and 4th letter A?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 12 words with the pattern A-EA-. That is, five letter words with 1st letter A and 3rd letter E and 4th letter A. In alphabetical order, they are: abeam abear afear ahead aheap anear apeak aread areae areal arear areas

What are some five letter words with 3rd letter E and 4th letter A and 5th letter K?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 10 words with the pattern --EAK. That is, five letter words with 3rd letter E and 4th letter A and 5th letter K. In alphabetical order, they are: apeak bleak break creak freak sneak speak steak tweak wreak

What words end in eak?


Why did Muhammad start thinking about religion?

Why did Moses start? Because God guided his heart. Same with Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph and Jesus. All the Prophets. God protected Muhammad's heart his whole life. He kept Muhammad away from the bad practices of his people - even as a young man. Especially, He kept him away from worshipping false gods. When Muhammad was forty years old, he was engaged in a practice he had been doing for several years - going to a cave in a mountain outside of Mecca to fast and pray. One night, the Angel Gabriel came to Muhammad and recited to him the first verses of what became known as the Qur'an. they were not Muhammad's words; they were the very word of God given to Muhammad through Gabriel. This is in fulfillment of the prophecy of Moses that God would raise up a Prophet and would "put His words in his mouth". This is in fulfillment of the prophecy of Jesus who said that the Comforter would come and that "he shal not apeak from himself, but whatsoever he shall hear from the father, that shall he speak" For more information on this topic, please Google the phrase: "Muhammad in the Bible".

What words have P as second letter?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 229 words with the pattern -P---. That is, five letter words with 2nd letter P. In alphabetical order, they are: apace apage apaid apart apayd apays apeak apeek apers apert apery apgar aphid aphis apian aping apiol apish apism apnea apode apods apoop aport appal appay appel apple apply appro appui appuy apres apron apses apsis apsos apted apter aptly epact epees ephah ephas ephod ephor epics epoch epode epopt epoxy epris eprom ippon mpret opahs opals opens opepe opera opine oping opium oppos opsin opted opter optic space spacy spade spado spaed spaer spaes spags spahi spail spain spait spake spald spale spall spalt spams spane spang spank spans spard spare spark spars spart spasm spate spats spaul spawl spawn spaws spayd spays spaza spazz speak speal spean spear speat speck specs speed speel speer speil speir speks speld spelk spell spelt spend spent speos sperm spets speug spews spewy spial spica spice spick spics spicy spide spied spiel spier spies spiff spifs spike spiks spiky spile spill spilt spims spina spine spink spins spiny spire spirt spiry spite spits spitz spivs splat splay split spode spods spoil spoke spoof spook spool spoom spoon spoor spoot spore sport sposh spots spout sprad sprag sprat spray spred spree sprew sprig sprit sprod sprog sprue sprug spuds spued spuer spues spugs spule spume spumy spunk spurn spurs spurt sputa spyal spyre upbow upbye updos updry upend upjet uplay upled uplit upped upper upran uprun upsee upset upsey uptak upter uptie

What means Anchor in biology?

1. A iron instrument which is attached to a ship by a cable (rope or chain), and which, being cast overboard, lays hold of the earth by a fluke or hook and thus retains the ship in a particular station.The common anchor consists of a straight bar called a shank, having at one end a transverse bar called astock, above which is a ring for the cable, and at the other end the crown, from which branch out two or more arms with flukes, forming with the shank a suitable angle to enter the ground.Formerly the largest and strongest anchor was the sheet anchor (hence, fig, best hope or last refuge), called also waist anchor. Now the bower and the sheet anchor are usually alike. Then came the bestbower and the small bower (so called from being carried on the bows). The stream anchor is one fourth the weight of the bower anchor. Kedges or kedge anchors are light anchors used in warping.2. Any instrument or contrivance serving a purpose like that of a ships anchor, as an arrangement of timberto hold a dam fast; a contrivance to hold the end of a bridge cable, or other similar part; a contrivance used by founders to hold the core of a mold in Place.3. That which gives stability or security; that on which we place dependence for safety. Which hope we have as an anchorof the soul. (Heb. Vi. 19)4. An em 1000 blem of hope.5. A metal tie holding adjoining parts of a building together. Carved work, somewhat resembling an anchor or arrowhead; a part of the ornaments of certainmoldings. It is seen in the echinus, or egg-and-anchor (called also egg-and-dart, egg-and-tongue) ornament.6. (Science: zoology) One of the anchor-shaped spicules of certain sponges; also, one of the calcareous spinules of certain Holothurians, as in species of synapta.Anchor ice. See ice. Anchor ring.(Science: mathematics) The crossbar at the top of the shank at right angles to the arms. The anchor comes home, when it drags over the bottom as the ship drifts.Foul anchor, the anchor when it hooks, or is entangled with, another anchor, or with a cable or wreck, or when the slack cable entangled. The anchor is acockbill, when it is suspended perpendicularly from the cathead, ready to be let go. The anchor is apeak, when the cable is drawn in do tight as to bring to ship directly over it. The anchor is atrip, or aweigh, when it is lifted out of the ground. The anchor is awash, when it is hove up to the surface of the water. At anchor, anchored. To back ananchor, to increase the holding power by laying down a small anchor ahead of that by which the ship rides, with the cable fastened to the crown of the latter to prevent its coming home. To cast anchor, to drop or let go an anchor to keep a ship at rest. To cat the anchor, to hoist the anchor to the cathead and pass the ring-stopper. To fish the anchor, to hoist the flukes to their resting place (called the bill-boards), and pass the shank painter. To weigh anchor, to heave or raise the anchor so as to sail away.

What word with 5 letters begins with A?

aahed aalii aargh abaca abaci aback abaft abaka abamp abase abash abate abaya abbas abbes abbey abbot abeam abele abets abhor abide abled abler ables abmho abode abohm aboil aboma aboon abort about above abris abuse abuts abuzz abyes abysm abyss acari acerb aceta ached aches achoo acids acidy acing acini ackee acmes acmic acned acnes acock acold acorn acred acres acrid acted actin actor acute acyls adage adapt addax added adder addle adeem adept adieu adios adits adman admen admit admix adobe adobo adopt adore adorn adown adoze adult adunc adust adyta adzed adzes aecia aedes aegis aeons aerie afars affix afire afoot afore afoul afrit after again agama agape agars agate agave agaze agene agent agers agger aggie aggro aghas agile aging agios agism agist agita aglee aglet agley aglow agmas agone agons agony agora agree agria agues ahead ahing ahold ahull aided aider aides ailed aimed aimer aioli aired airer airns airth airts aisle aitch aiver ajiva ajuga akees akela akene alack Alamo aland alane alang alans alant alarm alary alate albas album alcid alder aldol alecs alefs aleph alert alfas algae algal algas algid algin algor algum alias alibi alien alifs align alike aline alist alive aliya alkie alkyd alkyl allay allee alley allod allot allow alloy allyl almah almas almeh almes almud almug aloes aloft aloha aloin alone along aloof aloud alpha altar alter altho altos alula alums alway amahs amain amass amaze amber ambit amble ambos ambry ameba ameer amend amens ament amias amice amici amide amido amids amies amiga amigo amine amino amins amirs amiss amity ammos amnia amnic amnio amoks amole among amort amour amped ample amply ampul amuck amuse amyls ancho ancon andro anear anele anent angas angel anger angle Anglo angry angst anile anils anima anime animi anion anise ankhs ankle ankus anlas annal annas annex annoy annul anoas anode anole anomy ansae antae antas anted antes antic antis antra antre antsy anvil anyon aorta apace apart apeak apeek apers apery aphid aphis apian aping apish apnea apods aport appal appel apple apply apres apron apses apsis apter aptly aquae aquas araks arame arbor arced arcus ardeb ardor areae areal areas areca areic arena arene arepa arete argal argil argle argol argon argot argue argus arhat arias Ariel arils arise arles armed armer armet armor aroid aroma arose arpen arras array arris arrow arses arsis arson artal artel artsy arums arval arvos aryls asana ascot ascus asdic ashed ashen ashes aside asked asker askew askoi askos aspen asper aspic aspis assai assay asses asset aster astir asyla ataps ataxy atilt atlas atman atmas atoll atoms atomy atone atony atopy atria atrip attar attic audad audio audit auger aught augur aulic aunts aunty aurae aural aurar auras aurei aures auric auris aurum autos auxin avail avant avast avens avers avert avgas avian avion aviso avoid avows await awake award aware awash awful awing awned awoke awols axels axial axile axils axing axiom axion axite axled axles axman axmen axone axons ayahs ayins azans azide azido azine azlon azoic azole azons azote azoth azuki azure

How many words can you make with the word triskaidekaphobia?

3-letter wordsaah, aas, aba, ado, ads, aha, aid, air, ais, ait, ape, apt, arb, are, ark, ars, art, ash, ask, asp, ate, baa, bad, bah, bar, bas, bat, bed, bet, bid, bio, bis, bit, boa, bod, bop, bos, bot, bra, dab, dah, dak, dap, deb, dei, des, dib, die, dip, dit, doe, dor, dos, dot, ear, eat, edh, era, ers, eta, eth, had, hae, hao, hap, has, hat, hep, her, hes, het, hid, hie, hip, his, hit, hob, hod, hoe, hop, hot, ids, ire, irk, its, kab, kae, kas, kat, kea, kep, khi, kid, kip, kir, kit, koa, kob, kop, kor, kos, oak, oar, oat, obe, obi, ode, ods, oes, ohs, oka, oke, ope, ops, opt, ora, orb, ore, ors, ort, ose, pad, pah, par, pas, pat, pea, ped, peh, per, pes, pet, phi, pht, pia, pie, pis, pit, pod, poh, poi, pot, pro, psi, rad, rah, rap, ras, rat, reb, red, rei, rep, res, ret, rho, ria, rib, rid, rip, rob, rod, roe, rot, sab, sad, sae, sap, sat, sea, sei, ser, set, sha, she, sib, sip, sir, sit, ska, ski, sob, sod, sop, sot, spa, sri, tab, tad, tae, tao, tap, tar, tas, tea, ted, the, tho, tie, tip, tis, tod, toe, top, tor, tsk4-letter wordsaahs, abas, abed, abet, abri, adit, ados, aero, aide, aids, airs, airt, aits, aped, aper, apes, apod, apse, arak, arbs, area, ares, aria, arid, arks, arts, asea, atap, ates, atop, baas, bade, bads, baht, bait, bake, bard, bare, bark, bars, base, bash, bask, bast, bate, bath, bats, bead, beak, bear, beat, beds, best, beta, beth, bets, bias, bide, bids, bier, bike, bios, bird, birk, bise, bisk, bite, bits, boar, boas, boat, bode, bods, bops, bora, bore, bort, bosh, bosk, bota, both, bots, brad, brae, bras, brat, bred, brie, brio, bris, brit, dabs, dahs, dais, daks, daps, darb, dare, dark, dart, dash, data, date, dato, dear, debs, debt, desk, dhak, dibs, dies, diet, dike, dips, dipt, dire, dirk, dirt, dish, disk, dita, dite, dits, doat, doer, does, doit, dopa, dope, dore, dork, dorp, dors, dose, dost, dote, doth, dots, drab, drat, drek, drib, drip, drop, ears, east, eath, eats, edhs, edit, epha, epos, eras, eros, erst, etas, eths, haar, hade, haed, haes, haet, haik, hair, hake, haps, hard, hare, hark, harp, hart, hasp, hast, hate, hats, head, heap, hear, heat, heir, herb, herd, hero, hers, hest, hets, hide, hied, hies, hike, hips, hire, hist, hits, hoar, hobs, hods, hoed, hoer, hoes, hoke, hope, hops, hora, hose, host, hots, ibis, idea, ides, iota, ired, ires, irid, iris, irks, isba, kaas, kabs, kadi, kaes, kaka, kaki, kapa, kaph, kart, kats, kbar, keas, keir, kepi, keps, kept, kerb, keto, khat, khet, khis, kibe, kids, kier, kips, kirk, kirs, kist, kite, kith, kits, koas, kobs, koph, kops, kors, kris, oaks, oars, oast, oath, oats, obes, obia, obis, obit, odea, odes, ohed, ohia, okas, okeh, okes, okra, opah, oped, opes, opts, orad, orbs, ores, orts, osar, padi, pads, paid, paik, pair, para, pard, pare, park, pars, part, pase, pash, past, pate, path, pats, peak, pear, peas, peat, peds, pehs, peri, perk, pert, peso, pest, pets, phat, phis, phot, pias, pied, pier, pies, pika, pike, pish, pita, pith, pits, pods, poet, pois, poke, pore, pork, port, pose, posh, post, pots, prao, prat, proa, prod, pros, rads, raia, raid, rake, raki, rape, raps, rapt, rase, rash, rasp, rate, rath, rato, rats, read, reap, rebs, redo, reds, reis, repo, reps, resh, rest, rets, rhea, rhos, rias, ribs, ride, rids, riot, ripe, rips, rise, risk, rite, road, robe, robs, rode, rods, roes, rope, rose, rota, rote, rots, sabe, sade, sadi, said, sake, saki, sard, sari, sark, sate, sati, sear, seat, sept, sera, seta, shad, shea, shed, ship, shod, shoe, shop, shot, shri, side, sike, sipe, sire, site, sith, skat, skep, skid, skip, skit, soak, soap, soar, soda, soke, soph, sora, sorb, sord, sore, sori, sort, soth, spae, spar, spat, sped, spit, spot, stab, star, step, stir, stoa, stob, stop, tabs, tads, tahr, taka, take, taos, tapa, tape, taps, tare, taro, tarp, tars, task, teak, tear, teas, teds, tepa, thae, thio, thir, this, thro, tide, tied, tier, ties, tike, tiki, tipi, tips, tire, tiro, toad, tods, toea, toed, toes, toke, tope, toph, topi, tops, tora, tore, tori, tors, tosh, trad, trap, trek, trio, trip, trod, trop, tsar5-letter wordsaahed, abaka, abase, abash, abate, abets, abhor, abide, abode, abort, abris, adapt, adept, adios, adits, adobe, adopt, adore, ahead, aider, aides, aired, airth, airts, aorta, apart, apeak, apers, aphid, aphis, apish, apods, aport, apres, apter, araks, ardeb, areas, arhat, arias, arise, aroid, arose, ashed, aside, asked, asker, askoi, asper, aster, astir, ataps, atria, atrip, baaed, bahts, baith, baits, baked, baker, bakes, barde, bards, bared, bares, barks, based, baser, baste, bated, bates, bathe, baths, batik, beads, beaks, beard, bears, beast, beats, berth, besot, betas, beths, bider, bides, bidet, biers, biked, biker, bikes, bikie, biota, biped, bipod, birds, birks, birse, birth, biter, bites, board, boars, boart, boast, boats, bodes, bohea, boite, boras, bored, bores, borts, botas, brads, braes, braid, brake, brash, brats, bread, break, bride, bries, brios, brisk, brits, broad, broke, brose, broth, darbs, dares, darks, darts, dashi, dater, dates, datos, deair, dears, deash, death, debar, debit, debts, deist, dekko, depot, depth, derat, dhaks, dhobi, dhoti, diets, diker, dikes, dipso, dirks, dirts, ditas, dites, doats, dobie, dobra, doers, doest, doeth, doits, dopas, doper, dopes, dorks, dorps, dorsa, doser, doter, dotes, drabs, drake, drape, drats, dreks, drest, dribs, dries, drips, dript, droit, drops, dropt, earth, edits, eidos, ephas, ephod, ephor, eskar, estop, ethos, haars, habit, hades, hadst, haets, haika, haiks, hairs, hakes, hards, hared, hares, harks, harps, harts, haste, hated, hater, hates, heads, heaps, heard, hears, heart, heats, heirs, heist, herbs, herds, heros, hider, hides, hiked, hiker, hikes, hired, hires, hoard, hoars, hoers, hoise, hoist, hoked, hokes, hoped, hoper, hopes, horas, horde, horse, horst, hosed, hosta, ideas, idiot, iotas, irade, irate, irids, irked, ither, kabar, kadis, kaiak, kakas, kakis, kapas, kaphs, kapok, karat, karst, karts, kasha, kbars, kebar, keirs, kepis, kerbs, khadi, khaki, khats, kheda, khets, kibei, kibes, kiers, kiosk, kirks, kited, kiter, kites, kithe, kiths, kopek, kophs, korat, krait, oared, oater, oaths, obeah, obias, obits, odist, ohias, oidia, okapi, okehs, okras, opahs, opera, opted, orate, orbed, orbit, oread, oribi, osier, ostia, other, padis, padre, padri, paiks, pairs, paisa, paise, paras, pardi, pards, pared, pares, paris, parka, parks, parse, parts, paseo, pasha, pasta, paste, pated, pater, pates, paths, patio, peaks, pears, peart, peats, pedro, peris, perks, pesto, phase, phots, piers, pieta, pikas, piked, piker, pikes, piste, pitas, piths, podia, poets, poise, poked, poker, pokes, pored, pores, porks, ports, posed, poser, posit, praos, prase, prate, prats, presa, prest, pride, pried, pries, prise, proas, probe, prods, prose, prost, psoae, psoai, rabat, rabid, radii, radio, raias, raids, raise, raked, rakes, rakis, raped, rapes, raphe, rapid, rased, rated, rates, rathe, ratio, ratos, reads, reaps, reata, rebid, rebop, redia, redip, redos, rehab, repos, repot, resid, resod, retia, rheas, riata, ribes, rides, riots, riped, ripes, rishi, rites, roads, roast, robed, robes, roped, ropes, rosed, roset, rotas, rotes, sabed, saber, sabir, sabot, sabra, sabre, sadhe, sahib, saith, saker, sapid, sapor, sarod, sated, sepia, septa, serai, shade, shake, shako, shape, shard, share, shark, sharp, shear, sheik, sherd, shied, shier, shire, shirk, shirt, shoat, shoed, shoer, shore, short, shote, shred, shtik, siker, siped, sired, sitar, sited, skate, skied, skier, skirt, skite, sober, spade, spado, spaed, spahi, spait, spake, spare, spark, spate, speak, spear, speir, spied, spier, spike, spire, spirt, spite, spode, spoke, spore, sport, sprat, sprit, stade, staid, stair, stake, staph, stare, stark, stead, steak, stied, stipe, stirk, stirp, stoae, stoai, stoke, stope, store, stork, strap, strep, stria, strid, strip, strop, taber, tabes, tabid, tabor, tahrs, taker, takes, tapas, taped, taper, tapes, tapir, tapis, tardo, tared, tares, tarok, taros, tarps, tarsi, teaks, tears, teiid, tepas, tepid, terai, their, third, thorp, those, thrip, throb, throe, tiara, tibia, tides, tiers, tikes, tikis, tipis, tired, tires, tiros, toads, toked, toker, tokes, toped, toper, topes, tophe, tophi, tophs, topis, torah, toras, tores, torii, torse, torsi, torsk, trade, traik, traps, trash, tread, treks, triad, tribe, tried, tries, trike, trios, tripe, trips, troak, trode, trois, troke, trope, tsade, tsadi, tsked6-letter wordsabakas, abased, abaser, abasia, abated, abater, abates, abatis, abator, abhors, abider, abides, aboard, abodes, aborts, abrade, abroad, adapts, adepts, adobes, adopts, adores, adroit, adsorb, ahorse, aiders, aikido, airest, airted, airths, aorist, aortae, aortas, aphids, ardebs, arhats, ariose, ariosi, arista, aristo, arkose, aroids, ashier, ashore, aspire, baited, baiter, bakers, bardes, barest, barhop, barite, barked, bashed, basher, basked, basket, basted, baster, bathed, bather, bathes, bathos, batiks, beards, bertha, berths, bestir, bhakta, bhakti, biased, biders, bidets, bikers, bikies, biotas, bipeds, bipods, birdie, birkie, births, bishop, bister, bistre, bistro, biters, boards, boarts, boated, boater, bodies, boheas, boites, borate, boride, borsht, bosker, bosket, bother, braids, braise, braked, brakes, breads, breaks, breast, breath, brides, broads, broths, daiker, dakoit, dasher, daters, deairs, dearth, deaths, debark, debars, debits, debris, debtor, dehort, dekkos, depart, deport, depots, depths, derats, desorb, despot, dhobis, dhotis, diaper, diapir, dikers, direst, disbar, dither, dobies, dobras, dopers, dopier, dories, doters, dotier, drakes, drapes, driest, droits, earths, editor, ephods, ephori, ephors, esprit, habits, hairdo, haired, harked, harped, hasped, hasted, haters, hatred, hearts, heptad, heriot, hiders, hikers, hispid, histed, hoards, hoarse, hoised, hokier, hopers, hordes, horsed, horste, hosier, hosted, hotbed, idiots, iodate, irades, irides, irised, iritis, isobar, kabaka, kabars, kabiki, kaiaks, kaiser, kakapo, kapoks, karate, karats, kasbah, kasher, kebars, khadis, khakis, khedas, kibeis, kibosh, kishka, kishke, kiters, kithed, kithes, kopeks, korats, kosher, kraits, oaters, obeahs, okapis, operas, ophite, opiate, orated, orates, orbits, oreads, oribis, others, padres, paiked, paired, parade, pardah, pardie, pariah, paries, parish, parkas, parked, parsed, parted, pashed, pasted, paster, pastie, pastor, paters, pathos, patios, patois, pedros, period, perish, petard, petsai, pharos, phased, phobia, phrase, pietas, pikake, pikers, pirate, pished, pithed, pitied, pitier, pities, podite, poised, poiser, pokers, pokier, pokies, ported, posada, posher, posted, poster, potash, pother, potsie, praise, prated, prates, presto, prides, priest, prised, probed, probes, probit, prosed, prosit, protea, protei, rabato, rabats, rabies, radios, radish, raised, rakish, raphae, raphes, raphia, raphis, rapids, rapist, rasped, ratios, reatas, rebait, rebato, rebids, rebops, redias, redips, redipt, redtop, rehabs, repaid, repast, repots, resaid, reship, reshod, reshot, resoak, respot, rhebok, riatas, ribose, rioted, ripest, ripost, risked, roadie, sabred, saithe, sapota, sapote, sarape, sarode, satara, satire, satori, satrap, seraph, serdab, shader, shaird, shaker, shaped, shaper, shared, sherpa, shikar, shored, shriek, shrike, skated, skater, skited, soaked, soaker, soaped, soaper, soared, sobeit, sopite, sorbed, sorbet, sorted, sortie, spader, spared, sparid, spathe, spider, spiked, spiker, spirea, spired, spirit, spited, spoked, spored, spread, sprite, sradha, stadia, staked, stared, stiped, stoked, stoker, stoped, stoper, stored, strake, streak, striae, stride, strike, stripe, strobe, strode, stroke, tabard, tabers, tabors, takahe, takers, tapers, tapirs, taroks, tarsia, tasked, teiids, tephra, terais, teraph, terbia, theirs, thirds, thoria, thorpe, thorps, thread, threap, thrips, throbs, throes, tiaras, tibiae, tibias, tidier, tidies, tirade, tobies, todies, tokers, topers, tophes, torahs, tories, torpid, trades, traiks, trapes, treads, trepid, triads, tribes, trikes, triode, triose, tripes, tripod, tripos, troaks, troika, troked, trokes, tropes7-letter wordsabashed, abaters, abators, abiders, aborted, abrades, abreast, abrosia, adapter, adaptor, adhibit, adipose, adopter, aerobia, aerosat, aikidos, airboat, airdate, airhead, airiest, airpost, airshed, airship, airthed, aphasia, aphides, apteria, arabesk, aridest, aristae, aspired, asteria, astride, atopies, atresia, baiters, baptise, barhops, barites, basidia, bastard, bathers, bearish, bedpost, berthas, bestrid, bhaktas, bhaktis, bhistie, bidarka, birdies, birkies, birthed, bistred, boarish, boasted, boaster, boaters, borated, borates, borides, boskier, bothers, bothies, bothria, braised, breadth, breaths, brisked, brisket, britska, dabster, daikers, dairies, dakoits, darbies, darkest, darkish, dashier, dashiki, dashpot, dearths, debarks, debtors, dehorts, deorbit, departs, deports, deposit, desktop, despair, diabase, diapers, diapirs, diaries, diarist, diaster, diopter, dioptre, diorite, diphase, diptera, dirties, dishier, dispart, disport, disrate, disrobe, dithers, ditsier, dopiest, earshot, editors, esparto, habited, hairdos, hardest, hardies, hardset, hardtop, harpies, harpist, hastier, hatreds, heptads, heriots, hetaira, hipster, histoid, hoisted, hoister, hokiest, hotbeds, iodates, isobare, isobath, kabakas, kabikis, kakapos, karates, kathode, kithara, ophites, opiated, opiates, orbiest, orbited, parades, parados, pardahs, pariahs, parotid, partake, partied, parties, pastier, peakish, peridia, peridot, periods, perkish, petards, phobias, phorate, phrased, piasaba, piaster, piastre, pikakes, pirated, pirates, pithead, pithier, pitiers, podesta, podites, pokiest, porkies, posited, pothead, potherb, pothers, praised, presoak, probate, probits, prostie, proteas, proteid, rabatos, radiate, raphias, raphide, readapt, readopt, rebaits, rebatos, redbait, redtops, reitbok, reposit, rheboks, rikisha, riposte, riptide, roadies, roasted, ropiest, saphead, saprobe, seabird, seaport, shadier, shakier, sharked, sharped, sharpie, shikari, shikker, shirked, shorted, shortia, shortie, sidebar, skirted, soapier, sopited, sorbate, sortied, sparked, sparoid, spathed, spikier, spiraea, spiroid, spirted, sported, staider, steroid, storied, straked, striped, stroked, strophe, tabards, tabored, takahes, tardies, teashop, tephras, terbias, theroid, thorias, thorpes, threads, threaps, tiaraed, tiderip, tidiers, tipsier, tirades, toadies, toadish, topside, torpids, torsade, traiked, traipse, trashed, tribade, triodes, tripods, troaked, troikas8-letter wordsadapters, adaptors, adhibits, adopters, airboats, airdates, airheads, apathies, aphorise, aphorist, apiaries, apiarist, aspirata, aspirate, asteroid, atrophia, baidarka, bakeshop, baptised, baptisia, barathea, barkiest, bidarkas, biparted, birdshot, bishoped, brakiest, breadths, broadest, broadish, daishiki, database, dataries, deorbits, diaspora, diaspore, diatribe, dioptase, diopters, dioptres, diorites, disherit, dispirit, dorkiest, hairiest, hardiest, hardtops, hetairai, hetairas, hoariest, hospitia, kathodes, keratoid, kiboshed, kitharas, oribatid, paradise, parakite, parasite, parities, parodies, parodist, parotids, partakes, pastored, peridots, phorates, piroshki, pitheads, porkiest, potheads, potherbs, potshard, potsherd, presidia, presidio, probated, probates, prohibit, proteids, radiates, raphides, rapidest, readapts, readopts, redbaits, reitboks, rhapsode, riposted, riptides, seaboard, septaria, soapbark, spheroid, spirited, tapadera, tapadero, teaboard, tiderips, topsider, traipsed, tribades, triphase, trophied, trophies9-letter wordsadsorbate, apartheid, aphorised, aridities, aspiratae, aspirated, atrophias, atrophied, atrophies, baidarkas, baratheas, dakoities, diatribes, disparate, oribatids, parakites, praesidia, probities, prohibits, shipboard, tapaderas, tapaderos, teaboards, therapsid, topiaries, tripodies10-letter wordsapartheids, diaphorase, editorship, parasitoid, pasteboard, podiatries, prohibited, rabidities, rapidities, skateboard17-letter wordstriskaidekaphobia