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Q: What age is going to bed early for kids from?
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Why do kids hate school so smunch?

Kids don't like getting up early and doing the morning routine and then off to school. When they get home from school they have homework to work on .Kids don't like doing homework or going to bed early for school.

How can you make your kids go to bed on time?

Give them consequences for not going to bed on time, if in elementary school. If they are in middle school or high school leave them to go to bed whenever they want. Then in the morning, if they expect you to wake them up, don't wake them. This will teach them to go to bed early and so they can wake up early.

Is goind to bed early for kids?

Yes because when you're the oldest at age 11 through adult ages you're allowed to stay up late before getting up early.

Can you give the baby boost on kids in virtual families?

I did once and it makes the kids very Weak and tired. It will say going to bed...the parents were sleeping in the kids bed and the kids were sleeping in the parents bed its crazy

How can you get your kids to go to bed?

Wake them up very early in the morning so they will want to go to bed in the evening.

Where do kids most dread going?

shopping, doctor, bed, church

Should you go to bed very early on Easter night?

You don't need to bother going to bed early just track him on easter eve to see where he is

Are teenagers with knives out after 7pm?

Well I doubt they're going to bed early.

Is there a such thing as the boogyman?

no there is no such thing as the boogyman it`s just to scare kids into going to bed

Why do kids have to get a curfew and not teenagers?

because kids need to have rules so when they are younder they absorb it, and then when they are teenagers it should come natually for them to go to bed early!

What is the Italian translation of the English phrase 'I'm going to bed early'?

Vado a letto presto is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "I'm going to bed early".Specifically, the verb vado is "(I) am going, do go, go". The preposition a means "to". The mascuilne noun letto means "bed". The adverb presto translates as "early".The pronunciation will be "VAH-doh ah LET-toh PREH-stoh" in Italian.

What do you check before going to bed's?

doors/locks, kids, lights, stove, alarm clock