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it horrors my own tooth fairy is Ashely

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Q: What age is the tooth fairy film horror?
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What age do children not have tooth fairy pounds?

at the age of 12 years old

Is the film 'thirteen' a horror?

No its not a horror its a drama about a young girl coming of age and dealing with drugs

How many teeth does the tooth fairy collect each day?

Sorry, there are far too many to count, only the chief tooth fairy keeps a record.

Why doesn't the tooth fairy come when you are older?

Because your parents decided you've reached the age where they don't need to keep persisting with the myth about the Tooth Fairy. If you haven't figured it out yet, the Tooth Fairy isn't real, and never was - the money under your pillow came from your parents.

What is the age limit of the tooth fairy coming?

just let there friends tell them and if there sad just say i was gonna tell u win u were 9

What type of animal is Diego?

If you mean the Diego from the film: "Ice Age", Diego is a sabre-tooth tiger.

Why are there age limits?

because if there werent age limits then people under the age limit will watch and if its a horror it will scare the living daylights out of him/her. also there maybe content in the film or whatever has an age limit that is unsuitable for them. so that's why there are age limits

How are white tigers and saber-toothed cats the same?

They are both big cats. But saber tooth tigers are known to live in the ice age, if you know from the film The Ice Age.

What is the age when last tooth fell?

age dt which last tooth fell

What has made Jenny Hendrix popular?

Jenny Hendrix is a model and adult film actress. She entered the adult film industry in 2004 at the age of 18, which introduced her to the public eye. Since then, she has appeared in an independent horror film and two music videos. She has announced her retirement from the adult film industry.

What do you tell your 8 year old daughter who asks if the tooth fairy is real?

Lead her on she will eventually work it out by her self and in the mean time every one including her has a bit of fun from it. It sounds like she just about has you worked out. Tell her that if she doesn't believe in the tooth fairy the money will stop flowing when her milk teeth fall out.

When does your baby loose there first tooth?

Your baby can loose there first tooth around the age of six. Your baby can loose there first tooth around the age of six.