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In my oppinion, they should be allowed to do it from ages 12+.

Why? Because it's a game. Simple as that. People using the argument: "Video Games, turn kids violent" simply haven't raised them well enough, alongside with the virtual world.

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Q: What age should kids be playing black ops with graphic content off?
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Can you turn of graphic content on black ops ps3?

when you first set it up it should ask if you want graphic content on or off . or you can go into options in the main menu and turn it off.

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it should. try options and go to graphic content

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Go to options and click graphic content or graphic. change to no.

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On COD: Black ops you can take out the Graphic Content of it in the pause: options menu or the first time you play it, it will ask do you want the Graphic Content in the game

Can you turn off the swearing in Call of Duty Black Ops without turning off the graphic content?

No, you cannot. If you turn off graphic content then the swearing will automatically be filtered. If you don't, they will swear and there will be more graphic content. It's a package deal.

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Can you turn the content off on black ops 2?

Only the blood and gore. Under settings on one of the menus, turn off 'Graphic Content'.

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Yes, at the beginning it asks you if you want full or reduced grapic content. If you past that point go to options and change it

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yes it will ask you if you want to turn of graphic content when you first play:)

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You go to options and turn graphic content to restricted. NOTE: This only works offline.

Can you block out blood on Call of Duty Black Ops?

Not when it flashes on your screen when you get hit, but you can disable graphic content by going into options.