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Children should stop sucking them at maybe three or four because if you keep them on it for too long then they will not give it up. If you are an adult and if you snore then I sugest that you try an adult pacifier. Just so you know my name is Dr Moran.

I know that you probably won't believe that I'm a doctor but I am.

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Q: What age should you stop sucking a pacifier?
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What age should your baby stop using the pacifier?

u should lean away from them at age and stop them by age 4

When do kids stop using pacifiers?

lean off at age 3 and stop using the pacifier at age 4

How can you make a 7 year old stop using a pacifier?

a 7 year old shouldn't be using a pacifier kids should not be using a pacifier more than the age 4 and take all there pacifers away and they will not be able to use one

What age should kids stop sucking their thumb?

There is no real age for a child to stop sucking there thumb, but most people belive it to be 7 years of age, i myself being 15 sometimes catch myself sucking my thumb subcontiously, so you never know when they might stop. u can stop at any age i am 12 and still doin it i wish i could stop but it becomes a habit

How to stop sucking your thumb at 10?

A person can stop sucking their thumb at the age of 10 by using a product called Thum. The product should be painted on the tip of the thumb and will cause a displeasing in the mouth.

At what age should a child stop using a pacifier?

I think children older than two should not be using a pacifier. Really I dont think they are necessary after their teeth start coming in. The trouble is actually getting the child to give it up! Good luck!

What age should people stop sucking their thumb?

If a child has several baby teeth than it is probably a good idea for them to stop. Sucking their thumb at this age can cause tooth problems such as bent teeth. Many dentists reccommend that if a child is eating solid foods on their own, they should stop sucking on their thumbs to prevent such problems that can sometimes cause a need for braces later in life.

Is a pacifier bad?

no as long as your under the age 4

What age to give up the pacifier?

At least 5 or 6

Could using a pacifier at age 3 cause speech problems?

no not at all if ur child is not talking yet there is a problem but not bc of the pacifier

Can an average human suck their thumb forever none stop?

Though there are cases of severe adult thumb sucking (usually found in prisons, and places that care for mentally handicapped people) it can't be done non-stop because the individual uses their mouth for eating, etc. There was at least one case where a mentally handicapped woman, age 65, continuously sucked her thumb to the point of actually causing severe skin damage. She was forced to cease in order to allow her thumb to heal. This was achieved by substituting a pacifier, but she eventually started sucking her thumb again.

What is the right age to take away the pacifier?

lean away from it at 3 and have it gone by 4