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There is no real age for a child to stop sucking there thumb, but most people belive it to be 7 years of age, i myself being 15 sometimes catch myself sucking my thumb subcontiously, so you never know when they might stop.

u can stop at any age i am 12 and still doin it i wish i could stop but it becomes a habit

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Q: What age should kids stop sucking their thumb?
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How to stop sucking your thumb at 10?

A person can stop sucking their thumb at the age of 10 by using a product called Thum. The product should be painted on the tip of the thumb and will cause a displeasing in the mouth.

What age should people stop sucking their thumb?

If a child has several baby teeth than it is probably a good idea for them to stop. Sucking their thumb at this age can cause tooth problems such as bent teeth. Many dentists reccommend that if a child is eating solid foods on their own, they should stop sucking on their thumbs to prevent such problems that can sometimes cause a need for braces later in life.

How do you not suck your thumb?

Sucking of the thumb is a bad habit that cant be stopped easily. Wrap paper tape on your thumb if it there you wontwon't want to suck it. Do this for some months. The habit should stop.

How do you stop an adult man from sucking his thumb?

Get him to suck something else...

Where can you buy stopzit solution to stop thumb sucking?

Walgreens or cvs. my bro is 14, he sucks his thumb.

How do you stop thumbsucking in toddlers?

tell them to stop everytime you see them sucking their thumb. i had the same problem my mom had to yell at me to stop

How do you stop children from thumb sucking?

To stop children from thumb sucking, try positive reinforcement by praising and rewarding them when they don't suck their thumbs. You can also try distracting them with toys or activities to keep their hands busy. Additionally, using bitter nail polish or thumb guards can help discourage thumb sucking.

How can an adult stop sucking their thumb?

cut it off. retards shouldnt be doing that anyway.

How to stop thumb sucking toddlers?

Paint thumb nail with no-bite nail polish (used to keep one from biting nails).

Is mavala stop used to stop tongue sucking?

No, Mavala Stop is to prevent nail biting and thumb or finger sucking. It has a bitter taste and when applied to fingers reminds the user to keep their fingers out of their mouth.

How do you stop sucking your thumb?

One way to stop sucking your thumb is to identify triggers that make you want to suck your thumb and find alternative ways to cope with those triggers, such as using a stress ball or taking deep breaths. You can also try wearing a glove or bandage on your thumb to make it less accessible for sucking. Seeking support from a therapist or counselor may also help you address underlying reasons for thumb sucking.

How do you stop sucking?

Try putting your thumb under the pillow or put a strong flavor on the thumb so you won't want to suck it anymore. Also, it works for biting nails too.Only put a natural rememdy on like lemon juice because no bite polishes have chemicals.There are many ways to help stop thumb sucking but always remember to do it in a positive way and never shame a child. Thumb sucking can cause the teeth to be pushed forward and the palate of the mouth to raise, therefore changing the structure of the mouth and can even lead to speech problems...and possibly lead to braces. Talk to your dentist on the repercussions of thumb sucking. There are some simple things you can do to break the thumb sucking habit. A natural remedy is to use lemon juice on the thumb, but if your child is smart, they can wash it off. There is a fun product that kids love called "Thumbuddy To Love" that you can Google or get on Amazon. Remember to always use praise for the little accomplishments!