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Department of Health

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Q: What agency in Ohio monitors the health standards of restaurants?
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What agency in Washington monitors the health standards of restaurants?

The agency in the State of Washington that monitors health standards in restaurants is the Department of Health. The agency in Washington, DC, that monitors health standards in restaurants within the District of Columbia is the City of Washington's Health Department. There is no agency in Washington, DC, that monitors health standards for restaurants across the nation.

The federal agency that monitors the nation's health is?

The Public Health Service

What is the independent US agency responsible for protecting human health and the nation's environment?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) monitors threats to the environment and public health.

What agency determines safety standards for consumer products in Canada?

Health Canada (Ministry of Health).

Does UK have osha standards?

The UK has occupational exposure standards but they are not OSHA standards because OSHA is a US government agency. In the UK, occupational safety and health is regulated by the Health and Safety Executive

Which federal agency is resopnsible for setting workplace health and safety standards?

OSHA. Occupational health and safety administration

What federal agency that researches the quality of health care delivery and identifies the standards of treatment that should be provided?

It's the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRG)

Why are health and safety certificates important in restaurants?

Health and safety certificates are important because they help credit the safety of restaurants. The certificates in health and safety are good due to the restaurants gaining more trust with their customers. A customer would be more willing to go to a restaurant that meets all health and safety standards.

Which federal agency is responsible for setting workplace health and safety standards?

The US Department of Labor is responsible for setting workplace health and safety standards. Its agencies include OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration)

What federal government agency deals with compliance and implementation of the national identifier standards?

The Department of Health and Human services

What federal agency established standards for contamination with blood or body fluids that must be followed by all health care facilities?


What does a health and safety executive do?

English Agency comparable to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the US. The Health and safety executive is responsible for setting and enforcing standards regarding work place safety and health issues.