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Horses ages are the same as people

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Q: What ages do you times horses ages by?
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Related questions

What kinds of horses were in the Middle Ages?

Middle aged horses.

What ages do horses stop competing?

Horses stop racing at about 5-6.

What types of horses did they ride in the middle ages?

They horses rode were based on availability. They rode what they could get where they were.

At what age does a horse die?

Most horses live to be around 25-30, however, horses that were put under alot of stres when they were young-such as race horses and many other competitive sport horses-they often end up unsound before their time and are some times put down at early ages. The oldest horse was Old Billy who lived to be 62.

What kind of products do Breyer Horses provide?

The Breyer Horses company is one which makes and sells Toy Horses. These include both wooden and plastic horses for children or collectors of all ages in the world.

What age do you have to be to work at horse riding?

I was training horses when I was 10, and many people ride horses at ages 2, 3 or 4.

What can you travel by in the middle ages?

-Pulled by horses, mules, etc -Walking -Boats

Do horses mate for life?

No they don't. They mate between the ages of 20 to 25.

What was the most widely form of transportation in the middle ages?


Friesian breed horses were most popular in the Middle Ages for what job?

Friesian horses were popular war horses, and mounts of knights. For the Howrse game for Archimedes the answer is "for carrying knights".

Why do Friesians have black coats?

Friesians have black coats because they were bred to be black. The horses were used in the middle and high ages as war horses. The horses are known to be very graceful.

What is the Middle Ages in between?

The middle ages are right between ancient times and the modern times.