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The Montreal treaty led to to an agreement to stop the production of CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons), which actively destroy the ozone layer.

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Q: What agreement led to the reduced release of chemicals that harm the ozone layer?
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Which agreement led to the reduced release of chemicals that harm the ozone layer?

Montreal protocol is the treaty signed in 1988. This treaty was signed by 40 countries in Montreal country.

What does the release of CFC's cause?

When CFC chemicals are released into the air the chemicals react with the ozone layer to thin it. The sun's ultraviolet radiation can then get to the earth.

What are the activcities of man that can cause the depletion of the ozone layer?

They release CFC's. They are man made chemicals

How can you prevent depletion of the ozone layer?

The ozone layer is no longer being damaged. CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) used in aerosols and fridges during the 20th century damaged the ozone layer and these chemicals will stay in the atmosphere for another 50 years. The 1987 Montreal Agreement meant that all countries in the world agreed to stop using these chemicals. The ozone layer should have repaired itself by 2060.

How do you reduce our impact on the ozone layer?

Don't release harmful chemicals and toxins into the air.

What layer of the atmosphere is being destroyed by certain chemicals?

The ozone layer present in the stratospheric region of the atmosphere is being destroyed by certain chemicals. These chemicals are CFCs.

What affects does chlorofluorocarbons have had on your ozone layer?

CFCs are the chemicals that are responsible for the depletion of ozone layer. These chemicals react with ozone to deplete it.

What chemicals have destroyed the ozone layer?

The chemicals that destroy the ozone layer are CFC's. These CFC's are cholorofluorocarbons which react with ozone to destroy it.

What are some effects of reduced ozone layer on the environment?

Reduced ozone layer causes skin cancer. It can also cause eye cataract.

Why has the ozone layer disappeared?

No the ozone layer has not disappeared. It has just reduced.

When will the ozone layer be restored?

Scientists hope the ozone layer will have completely recovered by 2060. Thanks to worldwide agreement and compliance with the 1987 UN Montreal Protocol (which agreed to phase out ozone depleting chemicals) global ozone depletion is no longer increasing. The Montreal Protocol is the most (some would say only) successful international agreement.

What are the chemicals that are being blamed for the destruction of the ozone layer?

one of the chemicals that are being blamed for the destruction of the ozone layer are chlorofluorocarbons.and the halons