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Q: What alcohol can be mix together can you give me the list of alcoholic beverages that can be mix?
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Different types of beverages?

A beverage is basically a drink specifically prepared for human consumption. This does not include water as its a natural resource. Beverages almost always largely consist of water as their main ingredient. There are different types of beverages but they are mainly classified based on their properties and ingredients. Brodly there are two types of beverages: 1. Alcoholic Beverages and 2. Non-Alcoholic Beverages These two types of beverages can be then further classified as: 1. Hot Beverages and 2. Cold Beverages

Can you drink non alcoholic beer while taking?

No. root beer will just give u a sugar rush lol. :D Root Beer is a soft drink. Non-Alcoholic beer has most of the alcohol removed but not all. There is still enough alcohol left in so that if you drink enough of them, you will get drunk.

Can a parent buy alcohol for a minor in Texas?

No, it's a harsh punishment for giving alcohol for someone under 21.Adults and minors who give alcohol to a minor also face a stiff penalty. The punishment for making alcoholic beverages available to a minor is a class A misdemeanor, punishable by a fine up to $4,000, confinement in jail for up to a year, or both. Additionally, the violator will have his or her driver´s license automatically suspended for 180 days upon conviction.Persons 21 or older (other than the parent or guardian) can be held liable for damages caused by intoxication of a minor under 18 if the adult knowingly provided alcoholic beverages to a minor or knowingly allowed the minor to be served or provided alcoholic beverages on the premises owned or leased by the adult.Sale to a minor is a class A misdemeanor, punishable by a fine up to $4,000, confinement up to a year in jail, or both.You find more in the link below.

In a dental office what we don't give to an alcoholic?

Alcohol-based mouthwash. There are many mouthwashes that are not alcohol-based and most work much better because they do not dehydrate the buccal lining.

What kind of gifts do people give each other on Christmas in Sweden?

Flowers, Trisslotter, Wine, Alcoholic Beverages with more than 20% alcohol and candy.

Why are ingredients not listed on alcohol?

Usually the case is that the recipe is secret to prevent imitators from competing with them. In most cases, looking up the style of alcoholic beverages will give you a good hint of what is in them (e.g. most beers will contain at least one type of grain [wheat, barley,etc], and hops while rum is distilled from either molasses or sugarcane juice).

If alcohol in mouthwash can make you fail a breathalizer or what about a inhailor from asthma?

Alcohol in mouthwash may cause you to fail a breathalyzer test because the residual alcohol remains in your mouth for up to 15 minutes after using. The breathalyzer will pick up this residual alcohol in your breath and not differentiate whether it came from mouthwash or beverages. You should never take a breathalyzer test within 15 minutes of taking mouthwash or an alcoholic beverage in order to let the residual mouth alcohol dissipate.Mouthwash can cause a positive result on an ETG test. Whether or not an asthma medication could do the same thing would depend on whether it contained alcohol, how often it was used, and when the test was give.

Why do alcoholics enjoy hurting their loved ones?

It's not the alcoholic that enjoys hurting their loved ones, it's the alcohol itself. This is because alcohol doesn't let you think clearly. It blurs their senses, not allowing them to realize what they have done until they become sober. If there is an alcoholic in your life that is hurting you or someone you know in anyway, encourage that person to go to an alcoholics support group, if they are not already. If possible, start to remove bottles or containers of alcoholic beverages from the alcoholic's home. Don't remove too many at once; this my result in someone getting hurt. Try sitting down with them once they are no longer under the influence, and explain why what they did was hurtful to others, and how it made that person or those people feel. Give them something to think about, something to mull over. This may seem very hard to do, but you can do more than you think. Get others involved, too. Together, you can make a humongous difference. Good luck!

What are the wedding gifts to avoid?

There is no one answer to this. The person's religious beliefs would be the biggest consideration. For example, you wouldn't give a Mormon alcoholic beverages. If a couple is vegetarian, you would avoid meat cookbooks. Philosophy is the biggest concern here.

Can berries make animals appear drunk?

ok dont even give them berries in the first place and no it wont make them drunk ACTUALLY. Don't give them poisonous berries :D. And secondly. Yes. If they are over ripened and the sugar has turned into alcohol. Called being fermented. They will actually get drunk. Happens to moose and birds. And monkeys in the Caribbean. They got so used to fermented fruit that they started stealing alcoholic beverages from tourists and outside stores.

Is babies or toddlers drinking beer good for their stomach?

Babies and children should not be given alcoholic beverages, period. Provided with a balanced, nutritional, diet, they should be fine.In addition, giving beer to children is not seen in any way as good parenting. No, it is not good for their stomachs at all. Don't ever give babies alcohol: I've seen what they turn into... I'm looking at one right now

Where can a person go to get tips on how to help an alcoholic?

There are many places a person can go to get tips on how to help an alcoholic. A doctor or counselor can give tips on helping an alcoholic. Al-Anon is a group that helps families and friends of alcoholics, so that group would also be a good source for tips. National and local alcohol treatment hotlines can also give tips and advice or they can direct a person to local organizations that can also help with tips.