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Q: What allied Power was invaded by Germany to start World War 2?
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During World War 2 Germany was an allied power?

No, Germany was an Axis Power

Was Greece an Axis power?

No, Greece was an Allied power in World War 2. Greece was attacked by Italy & Germany. Occupied by Germany, then liberated when Germany was defeated.

Was manchuria an allied or an axis power in World War 2?

Manchuria was neither. It was invaded by Japan in the 1930's and was under Japanese occupation during the war.

Was Russia ever gained or controlled by Germany during World War 2?

No, but they were allied with Germany at first, then hitler invaded Russia in 1941. After that, they were with the allies.

What war caused Britain and France to enter world war 2?

When Germany invaded Poland in 1939, France and Britain, who had promised aid to Poland if Germany invaded, entered the war on the Allied side, thus starting the Second World War.

Did Germany join the allied or axis power in World War 2?


How was the Germany invasion of Poland important to the world war 2?

When Germany invaded Poland the rest of the world was incensed. Britain was so angry they declared war on them. Other countries allied with Britain.

When did the German invade?

1918-1934 That answer is rubbish! Austria was part of Germany until 1866. Germany untied with Austria as allies in World War One, and in World War Two, Hitler formed an 'Anschluss', or pact, giving over power of Austria to him, so technically Austria was never invaded by Germany, because they allied with Germany.

Why did Allied Force got involved with World War 2?

Because, Britain and France (Member of the Allied Forces) promised Poland if Germany invaded it, they would declare war onto Germany. The USSR wasn't at war with Germany until June 1941, when Hitler invaded the USSR. The US was declared war by Germany after the attacks onto Pearl Harbor (December 1941).

What country was japan allied with?

Well, in World War II, Japan was allied with the Germans, as Germany wanted to take over the world in that time to have full absolute power over everybody, but they needed help to do so. Germany then allied with Japan...

Was Denmark a central power in world war two?

Denmark was invaded by Germany in April 1940.

Which country was an Allied Power during World War 1?

It was Germany, Austri-Hungary, and Serbia.