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sugar act

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Q: What allowed the colonists to pay lower taxes on molasses?
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What made the colonists pay lower taxes on molasses?

The British lowered the sugar tax just like they lowered the tea tax.

How did the sugar affect the colonist?

The colonists had to pay taxes on sugar, molasses, and other sweetened goods. Many of the colonists were outraged and started protests against this.

How did sugar act affected the colonist?

The colonists had to pay taxes on sugar, molasses, and other sweetened goods. Many of the colonists were outraged and started protests against this.

The colonists' initial goal against the British was to?

The colonists initial goal against the British was for lower taxation. Instead of lowering taxes the British increase taxes. The increased taxes led to the Revolutionary war.

The colonist paid lower taxes on molasses because of the?

They paid less because of the triangle trade system, which involved slaves, molasses, and rum. The colonists would take the molasses from New England to Africa, where it would be traded for slaves. Then the slaves were taken to the West Indies where they were traded for rum. Finally, the rum was taken to New England and was traded for molasses. Although this method of gaining profit, merchants did it anyway because it was highly profitable.

Why did the British place taxes on the colonists?

Under pressure from American colonists and British merchants, the British did lower taxes levied on other tea importers, the tax-free status of the British East.

Why did colonists smuggle goods into the English colonies?

They smuggled goods because they believed they were unfairly taxed by the Sugar Act with made the colonists pay taxes whenever they bought sugar or molasses. It also didn't allow them to import goods from other countries so they smuggled goods into the colonies.

What acted lowered taxes on molasses?

surger act

What act lowered the taxes on molasses?

Sugar tax

Who paid taxes Colonists or Tories?

Colonists paid a disproportionate share of taxes.

Why did colonists protest the taxes passed by parliament?

Colonists protested taxes passed by parliament because colonists had NO representatives in parliament

What act lowered the taxes on imported molasses?

Sugar tax