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Q: What allowed the journeys of Vasco da Gama Ferdinand Magellan and Christopher Columbus to become possible in the late 1400?
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Who had an effect on christopher Columbus's journeys and findings?

queen elizabeth and King Ferdinand

What country was Christopher Columbus's journeys sponsored by?

Christobol Columbo's journeys were sponsored by Spain.

What was Magellans nickname?

Magellan's nickname was Magellan. His whole name was Ferdinand Magellan. Magellan was one of the first ones to prove that the world is round by traveling it, yet killed along his journeys.

Christopher Columbus sponsoring country?

Spain sponsored the journeys of Christopher Columbus across the Atlantic Ocean. Specifically, Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon, also known as the Catholic Monarchs, sponsored all four of Columbus's voyages to the New World. His discoveries are responsible for beginning Spain's colonization of said New World.

Why did christopher Columbus go on journeys?

Columbus went on the journey to find new land,spices,gold,and Chinese silk

What countries sponsored Columbus?

Spain sponsored the journeys of Christopher Columbus across the Atlantic Ocean. Specifically, Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon, also known as the Catholic Monarchs, sponsored all four of Columbus's voyages to the New World. His discoveries are responsible for beginning Spain's colonization of said New World.

Why did Christopher Columbus go on the journeys?

because he wanted gold and spices and silk

How many journeys did Ferdinand Magellan make?

Magellan was in the Spanish navy for several years before he became an explorer. He made various trips with them, but everywhere they went had already been explored. Magellan only made one exploring trip, he died in the Philippines after the fleet went around the tip of South America.

When did Ferdinand Magellan go to school?

Ferdinand Magellan was born in 1480, and at the age of 10, his parents died. Afterward, when he turned 12, he became a page for Queen Leonor. When he was a page, he was in a good school, and had a very good education. Ferdinand learned about the journeys of Vasco da Gama and Christopher Columbus. Later, he went on a Military Expedition that made him limp for the rest of his life. He first sailed in 1505, serving for Portugal. Magellan went to India with the crew of Franciscode Almeida. After a few years, he decided that he wanted to go on the biggest trip of his life. Going to find the Spice Islands starting from the east, copying Christopher Columbus. When he went to ask the Portuguese king, he refused. Magellan sailed to Spain to serve for them, and the king there accepted. His friend and former captain, Franciscode Almeida, wrote letters to him, telling him about different routes to the Spice Islands. Before he left on his largest voyage, he married Beartiz Barbosa, a child of an important official. Later, Magellan became a Spanish citizen, and even later, had a son named Rodrigo. In 1519, he set off for his major voyage.

What motivated christopher Columbus to start his journeys?

Adventure, glory, and riches are the prime motivators of explorers and El Conquistadores.

When were Columbus' journeys?


What country sponsored Christopher Columbus's journey?

Spain sponsored the journeys of Christopher Columbus across the Atlantic Ocean. Specifically, Queen Isabella I of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon, also known as the Catholic Monarchs, sponsored all four of Columbus's voyages to the New World. His discoveries are responsible for beginning Spain's colonization of said New World.