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Q: What allows the action potential to travel quickly?
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Why do myelin covered neurons carry an action potential faster than an uncovered neuron?

Myelinated neurons are those with an axon covered by a sheath but with gaps exposed, kind of like marshmallows on a stick. The marshmallows are the sheaths, and the stick is the axon. The gaps between the sheaths are called the nodes of Ranvier. When an action potential arrives, it jumps over the areas covered with the sheath, landing and springing off the nodes of Ranvier. This is called saltatory conduction. It allows the electric signal (action potential) to travel more quickly along the axon. When an axon is not covered, the whole axon is exposed, meaning that the action potential has nothing to jump over. This results in a slower signal because it needs to travel the full length of the axon without skipping over any segments.

How does an action potential differ from a graded potential?

Action potentials also known as spikes, differ from graded potentials in that they do not diminish in strength as they travel through the neuron.

How fast does an action potential travel down a myelinated nerve?

An action potential is not passively propagated down the axon. There have to be ion channels along the axon or else the action potential will gradually decay. So the the rate of that the action potential 'travels' is dependent on the passive property called the length constant of the axon (factor in capacitance, axon diameter) plus the density of ion channels.

What does a conduction velocity of an action potential depend on?

An action potential does not have a conduction velocity. Rather, it makes sense to measure the conduction velocity of nerves or nerve cells and this is usually done in metres per second (m/s.). An action potential is characterised as "an all or none response". This means you cannot alter the characteristics of an action potential in a given nerve cell. If you get a nerve cell and manage to get it to threshold, produce and measure an action potential 1000 times or more at the exact same point on the cell, the action potential you measure will not change in timing or amplitude. Information travels down a nerve cell through action potentials. But it is not one action potential that travels the whole length of the axon. Instead what happens is that one action potential causes the next bit of the nerve cell to reach threshold and therefore creates an entirely new action potential. So you actually need multiple action potentials to happen along a nerve cell to send information down it. We call this "propagation of action potentials" since each action potential produces a new one. More properly, it is referred to as "saltatory action potential conduction". Conduction velocity is basically a measure of how quickly we can produce a series of action potentials to travel the distance of the nerve cell axon. Since action potentials only happen at each "Node of Ranvier", then the longer the distance between each node (internodal distance), the faster the conduction velocity of a nerve cell. Since the internodal distance is positively correlated with myelin thickness, more thickly myelinated nerve cells have faster conduction velocities. The thickest and fastest nerve cells are motor neurones and Ia fibres from muscle spindles with a diameter of 12-20 micrometres and a conduction velocity of 70-120 m/s. The thinnest/slowest are fibres used to convey slow pain (<1.5 micrometres and 0.5-2 m/s).

Do the action potential travel along the axon of a neuron?

fig. 1Formation of an action potentialThe formation of an action potential can be divided into five steps. (1) A stimulus from a sensory cell or another neuron causes the target cell to depolarize toward the threshold potential. (2) If the threshold of excitation is reached, all Na+ channels open and the membrane depolarizes. (3) At the peak action potential, K+ channels open and K+ begins to leave the cell. At the same time, Na+ channels close. (4) The membrane becomes hyperpolarized as K+ ions continue to leave the cell. The hyperpolarized membrane is in a refractory period and cannot fire. (5) The K+ channels close and the Na+/K+ transporter restores the resting potential.

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How does the myelin sheath affect the speed of action potential?

Myelin sheath does several things that affect the speed of an action potential.It acts as an insulator around a neuron axon, thereby focusing the propagation of the action potential along the axis of the axon.The action potential "leaps" from one node of Ranvier (the node in between two myelinated segments) to the next, and to the next, and to the next, and so on, faster than the action potential can propagate as a wave along an unmyelinated axon of the same diameter.The regions along a myelinated axon depolarize locally and successively, thus allowing an action potential to travel along an axon using less energy, which in turn allows the neuron to repolarize more quickly, and thus be ready to conduct the next action potential sooner, thereby increasing the overall speed of information transmission.

Why do myelin covered neurons carry an action potential faster than an uncovered neuron?

Myelinated neurons are those with an axon covered by a sheath but with gaps exposed, kind of like marshmallows on a stick. The marshmallows are the sheaths, and the stick is the axon. The gaps between the sheaths are called the nodes of Ranvier. When an action potential arrives, it jumps over the areas covered with the sheath, landing and springing off the nodes of Ranvier. This is called saltatory conduction. It allows the electric signal (action potential) to travel more quickly along the axon. When an axon is not covered, the whole axon is exposed, meaning that the action potential has nothing to jump over. This results in a slower signal because it needs to travel the full length of the axon without skipping over any segments.

How does an action potential differ from a graded potential?

Action potentials also known as spikes, differ from graded potentials in that they do not diminish in strength as they travel through the neuron.

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How does a myelin sheath affect nerve impulses?

Myelin sheath does several things that affect the speed of an action potential.It acts as an insulator around a neuron axon, thereby focusing the propagation of the action potential along the axis of the axon.The action potential "leaps" from one node of Ranvier (the node in between two myelinated segments) to the next, and to the next, and to the next, and so on, faster than the action potential can propagate as a wave along an unmyelinated axon of the same diameter.The regions along a myelinated axon depolarize locally and successively, thus allowing an action potential to travel along an axon using less energy, which in turn allows the neuron to repolarize more quickly, and thus be ready to conduct the next action potential sooner, thereby increasing the overall speed of information transmission.

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Which process allows salt travel into a cell?

The action of the sodium-potassium pump which is active transport.

How fast does an action potential travel down a myelinated nerve?

An action potential is not passively propagated down the axon. There have to be ion channels along the axon or else the action potential will gradually decay. So the the rate of that the action potential 'travels' is dependent on the passive property called the length constant of the axon (factor in capacitance, axon diameter) plus the density of ion channels.