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Q: What alphabet do they use in Korea?
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Can you show me South Korea alphabet?

vowels: ㅓㅏㅗㅜㅡㅣㅛㅠㅕㅑ consonants: ㄱㄴㄷㄹㅁㅂㅅㅇㅈㅋㅊㅌㅍㅎ

What is the name of the alphabet Mexico uses?

The Mexican alphabet. The Greek use the Greek alphabet. The Germans use the German alphabet. The French use the French alphabet. Etc.

What is the difference between the Latin alphabet and the alphabet that you use?

It depends on which alphabet you want to compare to the Latin Alphabet. You would have to specify which alphabet you use.

Do Greek use the alphabet or not?

They have an alphabet

What alphabet was the model for our alphabet?

We use the Latin alphabet, which was based on the Greek Alphabet, which was inspired by the Hebrew Alphabet.

What alphabet do the Yemen's use?

People from Yemen use the Arabic alphabet.

Are there any funny facts about South Korea?

Babies born in Korea are automatically one year old. South Korea has a special day to celebrate their Alphabet called Hangul on October 9th

What kind of alphabet do they use in Brazil?

They use the Portuguese version of the Latin alphabet

What kind of alphabet do they use in Italy?

They use the Italian version of the Latin alphabet

How did Korea and China influence Japan?

China influenced Japan through alphabet and i believe religion. The original Japanese people (The Ainu people) migrated from Korea.

What alphabet did Jean Pucelle use?

The Latin alphabet.

What country has the 24- letter alphabet of Hangul?

Korea, has the 25 letter Hangul alphabet, reference this link