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The SEC.

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Q: What alphabet soup organization provided oversight for stocks bonds and market practices?
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Who were the people who provided the basics of your alphabet?

begining of alphabet

Whose alphabet would provide the foundation for our current alphabet?

The Semitic proto-alphabet provided the foundation for our current alphabet

How do the Phoenicians affect us today?

They provided the basis of our alphabet.

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Select all statements that reflect best practices in delivering feedback as outlined in the provided information:

In terms of language Why were the Phoenicians considered significant?

They provided the foundation for our modern alphabet. -apex

Define the services provided by the organization?

ru from WLC ??

What was a medieval organization of craftsmen called?

A medieval organization of craftsmen was called a guild. Guilds were associations of skilled workers who worked in specific trades or crafts, such as blacksmithing, carpentry, or weaving. They provided a range of functions, including setting standards for quality, training apprentices, and regulating the prices and practices of their respective trades.

What is a lateral organization structure?

A lateral organization structure is often used in businesses. With this type of operation the employees of the organization are provided with more power.

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The charity organization society provided the poor with?

Advice and assistance

How did hieroglyphics help the alphabet?

Hieroglyphics did not help the development of an alphabet, except in that they provided a system that was so complicated that it may have motivated neighboring civilizations to find a better way to write.

Which pharaoh's tomb provided information about Egyptian burial practices and belief's?

King Tutankhamen