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Q: What amendment Regardless of which state a person lives in all American citizens enjoy the rights contained in the Constitution and the Amendments thanks to the?
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What are the provisions in the constitution that protect rights?

The basic "rights" are contained in the first ten amendments.

The right to trial by jury has its roots in the magna carta and is contained in these two amendments in the US Constitution?

The right to Trial by Jury has its roots in the Magna Carta and is contained in the 1st & 2nd amendments

What contains the Bill of Rights in the US constitution-?

The Bill of Rights is contained in the first ten amendments of the US Constitution. They were created on September 25, 1789.

Can the bill of rights be altered?

The Bill of Rights is itself a collection of 10 amendments to the Constitution. Because of this, the Bill of Rights does not get amended, but it's possible to pass amendments that cancel other amendments (like the 18th and 21st amendments). So, if someone wanted to change the Bill of Rights, they could (in theory, at least) try to get an amendment passed that modified one of the amendments contained within the Bill of Rights.

How many amendments are contained in the Bill of Right?

The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the United States' constitution.

In constitutional amendment procedure can several clauses of a constitution be contained in one constitutional amendment proposal?

In constitutional amendments, the single subject style of proposing amendment is mostly applied. Where several subjects are massed together in one legislative measure the ratifying state legislatures are prone to applying the item veto to signify their preferences in any such constitution amendment proposal. And where an item veto is applied to any matter in that proposal by a ratifying state legislature, the entire measure fails.

All the rights of Americans are listed in the Constitution.?

No, the Constitution says that it does not limit the rights of Americans, and any rights they have had remain with them. This is (for example) the source of the right to privacy, which is never specifically mentioned in the Constitution or Amendments. The ninth and tenth Amendments ensure that the people retain all of their rights.

The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to?

make rights contained in the bill of rights applicable to the states.

What are the thirteenth fourteenth and the fifteenth amendments called?

These three amendments are often referred to as the "Post-Civil-War Amendments", as they were all passed in the years right after the Civil War. They have sometimes been called the "Civil Rights Amendments" as well. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery, the 14th Amendment provided that all persons born in the U.S. were citizens and prohibited state governments from denying them their civil rights (and also contained provisions pertaining to the defeated Confederacy and its officials), and the 15th Amendment guaranteed the right to vote to former slaves (as long as they were adult males). Interestingly, these amendments were the first since 1804, and were the last until 1913. All of the (other) political compromises that made the federal government what it was in the 19th century were accomplished without amending the Constitution.

Was the bill of rights proposed in an atempt to defeat the constitution?

No. When the Constitution was written it contained almost nothing that guaranteed any rights to the citizenry. Several colonies refused to ratify the Constitution until it did, so the first ten amendments were added.

The right to petition members of the government is contained in the what amendment to the constitution?

1st amendment means you have the right to right a petition to the government stating that you and a group of people are unhappy about something The First Amendment guarantees the right to petition the government for redress of grievances.

What did the reserved power clause do?

The Reserved powers clause of the Constitution provides that the states have the authority to create their own laws and constitutions. The Reserved powers clause is contained in the 10 amendment of the US Constitution.