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Amendment 10

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Q: What amendment gave congress the power to impose American people?
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What gave Congress the power to impose an income tax on the American people?

The US Constitution (16th amendment).

The gave Congress the power to impose an income tax on the American people.?

The _______ gave Congress the power to impose an income tax on the American people.

How does the 27th amendment make Congress more representative of the people?

njk"How does the 27 th amendment make Congress more representative of the peopledoes the 27 th amendment make Congress more representative of the peopleHow does the 27 th amendment make Congress more representative of the people

Did congress change the fourth amendment?

NOT possible, Congress can not "change," the Constitution! Only the "People." can vote to AMEND the Constitution.

Who is represented by congress?

The American people, or more exactly the American people who vote.

What are the powers of Congress in the tenth Amendment?

The Tenth Amendment doesn't mention the powers of Congress; those are discussed in the seven Articles (primarily Article I), the body of the original Constitution. The Tenth Amendment is about powers reserved to the States (or to the people).Amendment X"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

What is the responsability of congress?

Defend and protect the American people Defend and protect the American people

What protection does the 27th amendment give to the American people?

it keeps people from getting to much or to less money. the best way and the easyest way to understand this is: the newly sworn in will have no power until an election of representatives have also had an input.

What is the 49th amendment to the US Constitution?

Congress shall not pass any law at applies to the people that does not apply to them.

What issue does the 27th Amendment address?

The 27th amendment to the Constitution refers to the wages of senators and congressmen. Essentially, the amendment prevents congress people from giving themselves a salary increase.

What powers guaranteed by the 10th amendment belong to the states or the people and are not given to Congress if they are not forbidden to the states?

Reserved Powers

American citizens right to free speech is guaranteed by what amendment?

The First Amendment which states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances