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Q: What amendment of the constitution made up the bill of right?
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What year was the first Amendment passed in?

In 1789, the same year the Constitution was made. The 1st amendment is in the Bill of Rights, and many states refused to even ratify the Constitution until the Bill of Rights was added.

What is a good sentence for the word amendment?

The United StatesCongress proposed the Twenty-first Amendment to the Constitution on February 20, 1933.The politicians made another amendment to the bill.

Can the states violate the Bill of Rights?

The 14th Amendment to the U.S Constitution enforces federal law, including the Bill of Rights, on the state governments. However, before the 14th Amendment, states did have the ability to "violate" the rights of their citizens.

What do you call change made to your national constitution?

An amendment. For example, the first Amendment to the Constitution covers Freedom of Speech.

What allows for change to be made in the constitution?

An amendment to the constitution

What do you call a change to the constution?

A change that is made to the Constitution is called an amendment. An amendment is usually a positive change made to improve something.

What is the first law in America?

A law starts as a bill. The first ten bills made were made were the bill of rights. The bill of rights were the first ten amendments to the constitution. Amendments are changes or additions to the constitution. The first amendment was: Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, and freedom of petition. All of those are in the first amendment

When was the fifth amendment passed?

The Fifth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America was added or amended to the Constitution in 1789, as a series of articles, when the Bill of Rights was written. It was then ratified on December 15, 1791.

An addition made to the constitution?


What do you call changes to the constitution?

In the US, changes made to the US Constitution are called Amendments. Excluding the 10 amendments of the Bill of Rights, the most important one can be the 13th amendment which abolished slavery in the USA.

Which amendment declared the right of US citizen to vote?

The 15th Amendment to the US Constitution (1870) guarantees the right to vote, intended to apply to freed slaves after the Civil War. The 19th Amendment (ratified 1920) guaranteed the nationwide right for women. Prior to these two amendments, individual states had established requirements for their citizens to vote, and no mention was made of voting in the Bill of Rights.

What was the 92nd amendment to the Indian Constitution?

93rd amendment was made on 20 January 2006. article 15 clause(5) was amended to made the education the fundamental right of person in India.