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my classmate's mother makes $76/hr on the internet. She has been without a job for 8 months but last month her pay was $7337 just working on the internet for a few hours. Read this site

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Q: What amendment protects the juveniles against illegal search and seizure?
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What amendment of the US Constitution is violated when a person is illegally arrested?

More than likely, the 4th Amendment, since it protects against illegal searches and seizures.

Which amendment protects us from illegal searchers and seizurs?


Which amendment protects us from illegal searches and aeizures?


Which amendment protect us from illegal searches and seizures?

The fifth amendment protects all Americans from illegal searches and seizures.

What does the 4th amendment protect us against?

The Fourth Amendment guards against unreasonable searches and seizures.

Why would you be against the fourth amendment?

The 4th amendment protects you against illegal search and seizure. There are times when such activities can provide additional security for the community. Parts of the current Patriot Act allow law enforcement officials to search email and phone conversations. Some believe that this is eroding the protection of the 4th amendment.

What protects us from illegal searches and questioning?

The Fourth Amendment makes "unreasonable searches and seizures" illegal. Whether it actually "protects" American citizens, however, is a different matter entirely.

Which Amendment protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures?

The Fourth Amendment protects from illegal searches and seizures. It requires law officials to have a warrant in order to conduct a search. It is part of the Bill of Rights and was adopted in 1792.

What right guaranteed by the fourth amendment?

Right against illegal search and seizure

Which amendment protects citizens against the abuse of government authority?

The 4th Amendment protects us from illegal searches and seizures. The 6th Amendment protects us from the police proceeding to charge us with a crime without having an attorney present, to ensure that we fully understand what we are being charged for, among other things. The 7th Amendment guarantees us the right to have a trial by a jury of our peers. The 8th Amendment protects us from cruel and unusual punishment by the police as well as excessive fines and bail. If you are not born in the US or not of US decent and now live in the country, the 14th Amendment defines the terms of citizenship which protects us from illegally being deported. To name a few...hope this helps

What does the constitution protects an inividual against?

Self incrimination and illegal search and seizure are two of the things.

What was the law that made it illegal to speak against the governmen?

Nothing it is legal to this day because of the five freedoms in the first amendment