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There's no amendment that actually says *that*, but the 26th amendment gave 18 years olds the right to vote.

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The 26th Amendment, which says that any Americans 18 years or older cannot be restricted from voting on the basis of age.

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Amendment number 26

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The twenty-sixth amendment.

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Amendment 26

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Q: What amendment secured passage after the argument anyone old enough to fight for his country is old enough to vote?
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The argument of anyone old enough to fight for hisher country is old enough to vote secured passage of what amendment?

im not sure but go to another site!!! i love u, baby

What was the most recent group to receive the right to vote and what amendment secured this?

Eighteen year olds. Twenty sixth amendment.

What amendments to the constitution secured the rights of blacks after the civil war?

The 14th amendment.

What was an argument of the federalists?

The argument of the Anti-Federalists was against a strong central government. They feared it would destroy the liberties Americans secured during the Revolutionary War.

What was the anti federalists argument?

The argument of the Anti-Federalists was against a strong central government. They feared it would destroy the liberties Americans secured during the Revolutionary War.

Four rights secured for you in the 1st amendment?

freedom of press freedom of speech freedom of religion freedom to choice

Why did the radical republicans in congress turn to constitutional amendment to guarantee the rights of African Americans?

because if they secured their rights in an amendment, then they can essentially "use" or "gain" more votes for the officials they wanted because the Republicans (North) had secured their rights which ultimately made the African Americans happy/ falter away from the Southerns who had used them as slaves.

What was the most recent group to receive the right to vote and what amendment secured this right?

former slaves and other blacks: 15th Amendment, ratified February 3, 1870women: 19th Amendment, ratified August 18, 1920everyone between the ages of 18 and 21: 26th Amendment, ratified July 1, 1971

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Depends but Texas Prisons have good reputation of being secured

They secured ratification of a constitutional amendment the that banned alcoholic beverages Prohibition began with the 1920 passage of the which enforced the amendment?

The 18th amendment to the US constitution prohibited the sale and distribution of drinking alcohol. This lead to "bootlegging" and illegal activities mostly run by gangs (the Mob) and their wars, over the areas that they wanted to control, killed many members. The federal government tried to prevent the sale and use of medical alcohol, called denatured alcohol, which was sometimes consumed as a surrogate alcohol, which can result in blindness or death if the denatured alcohol contains methanol. This probably killed 18,000 people during Prohibition. The 21th Amendment changed all of that. The illegal rackets more or less fell apart.

Which nation gave women the right to vote?

Was there only one? I thought they had the right to vote in lots of countries. In the United States women secured the right to vote with the passage of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution. This occurred is August, 1920.

How did Simon Bolivar get involved in the Latin American Revolution?

he secured freedom for nearly every south American country