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According to any website on the Web, about 150 minutes of exercise is plenty. The types of exercises that will keep you healthy the most are Aerobic and Strength Training. You could even try swimming and running.

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Q: What amount of exercise is considered healthy to do each day?
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Try your best to maintain a healthy weight by getting a sufficient amount of exercise each day. Relaxation exercises, such as yoga

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Assuming he / she participates in exercise, lives a healthy lifestyle, and eats a healthy diet, about 1,800 caloires a day.

What are three things you can do each day to help your body perform at its best?

1. exercise healthy food 3.exercise your brain with challenging things that make you think

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It is beneficial to participate in some type of exercise each day. Not only will it keep you in shape, but you will feel and sleep better as well as keeping healthy.

How many calories should a 13 year old consume each day?

About 1,400 caloires, with moderate exercise and healthy choices.

What is the limt of excerciseing a week?

There is no standard limit to the amount of exercise someone should get each week. Listen to your body to determine if you are getting enough or too much exercise.