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Q: What amount of sunlight is good to grow daffidills?
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Do cucumbers need sunlight to grow?

It depends on the temperature of the soil, but somewhere between 4 - 10 days.

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What do you need to grow a plants?

If we need to grow plants we have to water it, let it outside to take sunlight and we need good soil.Different plants need different amount of sunlight and water.

What kind of water does coral grow?

In shallow water that receives great amount of sunlight.

Do peppers need sunlight?

Bell peppers should get from 6-8 hours of sunlight.

Does grass need sunlight in order to grow?

It is possibly for grass to grow with very little sunlight. That is because, even though the grass seed plant does not receive an average amount of sunlight, it can still conduct photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is where a plant can make food from sunlight, carbon-dioxide, and water. The food that they produce is- Glucose. Which is a type of sugar. Once a plant has food, it can grow. So you must be wondering- "Hello! When are we going to get to the good stuff? I know all about photosynthesis. What I want to know is, can grass survive with very little sunlight?" The answer is - for the second time - yes. Although it probably won't grow as well as the other grass seed plants, who receive an average amount of sunlight. I hope this helps!

What helps your plant to grow better?

Water and sunlight good land.

Why do plants grow in a school garden?

because of the sunlight and a good soil

Do plants grow better in sunlight or no sunlight?

sunlight because plants can`t grow without sunlight

Why does the rain forest grow in layers?

It grows in layers because of the amount of sunlight reaching each part of the forest. Since the emergents are the highest they receive the most amount of sunlight and hence the top layer. As the layers decrease so does the amount of sunlight and hence different heights of the rainforest.

How do plants grow in artificial light verses sunlight?

they grow very well if the quantity and quality of the light is good for plant growth. sunlight is hard to beat though.

What kinds of plants dont need sunlight to grow and still be good?
