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Q: What amount of vinegar should i mix with cornstarch for dry itchy skin?
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How do you relieve an itchy scalp?

Try Apple Cider Vinegar it also works great on bug bites and itchy skin. It balances the body's PH

What are the causes of an itchy scalp and what is the best cure for an itchy scalp?

Nits? Is that an answer or a question. There could be a hundred causes but the most common causes are oily scalp, not clean, dry scalp, dandruff. The list goes on and on. If you can;t seem to get it under control, you should see a dermatologist.

How do i stop crazy itchy sunburn?

Vinegar!!! Spray vinegar on your burn. 3 to 4 coats and let dry dont do that its a trick how do u know???????????? it mite be true

Is vinegar good for your feet?

Apple Cider Vinegar, having a low PH, is excellent for feet; especially those with athlete's feet. Neutralizes odors on contact, is cooling and soothing for itchy feet. Can kill fungus and bacteria.

What type of cream do you suggest for an itchy anus?

If you were feeling itchy you should use a cream that contains urea or Benzocaine. These ingredients help relieve and sooth itchy, irritated and dry skin.

Is there any superstitions regarding itchy palms?

Common superstition states that an itchy left palm indicates that one will be receiving money soon, whereas an itchy right palm indicates the loss of money. Therefore, those with itchy left palms should itch their palms in order to receive money and those with itchy right palms should avoid itching in order to not loose money.

Is Miley Cyrus wig itchy?

She mentioned at one of her concerts that her wig was very itchy and sweaty sometimes! these are ques you should be asking herr!

What does it mean when your left hand is itchy?

superstitiously it means: * If the palm of your right hand is itchy, then it foretells that money is coming to you, but DON'T scratch it as that stops the money from coming! * If it's your left palm that is itchy, then scratch away, as that means that you'll soon be paying out money for something! * If you want to avoid losing most of the money you have to pay out, rub your left palm against wood and that should reduce the amount you have to pay out. * If the back of your hand itches you will lose money. Realistically, if you choose not to believe superstitions i think you should just itch your hand.

Who is itchy?

Itchy from Itchy & Scratchy in the Simpsons is a cartoon mouse.

Why are your balls always itchy?

they're not You probably have crabs Try Lotramin Ultra it gets rid of the itch

What should be done for itchy eyelids?

It depends on the characteristics. If the symptoms seems to be allergy related (itchy, watery, red), an over the counter antihistamine could help. If they are itchy from dryness try an over the counter eye drop such as visine for added moisture.

Why do gnats come out at night and have itchy bites?

Gnats come out at night since they are afraid of the light and have itchy bites. When you are bitten by a gnat, you should apply anti-itch cream.