

Best Answer
6cbdAnswermany animals breathe through their lungs, some are: bears, foxes, dogs, cats, lions, tigers.. all animals breathe through their lungs, excepts for fishes, or any other animal that lives underwater)

but that's not all,

gorillas also use their lungs to breathe

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Q: What animal breathes with their lungs?
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It breathes just like any other animal. The have lungs.

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An animal that uses lungs for breathing has a pulmonary circulatory system. Mammals are the most common type of animal that breathes through lungs.

Does a hummingbird breathe with lungs?

No, it breathes with gills. Yes, of course it breathes with lungs.

What animal do not breathes with their lungs?

Fish breath through their scales, amphibians breat through their skin.

How a wolf breathes?

with its lungsit breathes in and out with it's lungs and it and it breathes in oxygen

How does a fox breathe?

with its nose and lungs

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Who breathes with lungs?

All mammals Breathe with lungs, for a start.

Which mammal breathes with lungs?

All mammals have lungs with which to breathe.

Which animal breathes through gills when young and through lungs when an adult?

Tadpoles breath through gills and when they mature into frogs they breath through lungs. this is similar for many amphibians

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All mammals breathe with lungs.

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