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The llama.

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Q: What animal domesticated by the Inca did the Spanish call a Peruvian sheep?
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Are alpacas going extinct?

No, alpacas are a domesticated animal, like sheep or cattle, and are in no risk of extinction.

What do domesticated sheep eat?

Domesticated sheep eatforbs and other pasture plants!!

Are bighorn sheep domesticated?


When and where were sheeps domesticated?

Sheep are thought to be one of the first animals domesticated by humans. Sheep were first domesticated between 11000 and 9000 BC, in ancient Mesopotamia.

What is the first animal domesticated by humans?

dog,.,the were the first domesticated animals,.,They are used to carry heavy loads,.,It increases the potential power available for transportation

How many sheep are there?

It is estimated that there are 1.75 billion sheep (domesticated) in the world.

When were sheep first domesticated?

3,500 bc

What does domesticted mean?

Domesticated means that the animals are friendly to humans and/or that humans can control the animal. Cats, dogs, horses, cows, goats, parrots, sheep; these are all animals that we have domesticated. Animals like alligators and bugs haven't been domesticated, and can't because of their brains.

What is peruvian highland wool?

Peruvian Highland sheep are a cross between Corriedale (for strength and long fiber length) and Merino (for softness and fineness).

What domesticate do?

Domesticated sheep eatforbs and other pasture plants!!

What are goats?

A goat is an hooved, usually horned animal of the genus Capra, closely related to sheep and antelopes. They have been domesticated for milk and hides for many thousands of years.

Which country did sheep originally come from?

Sheep began to be domesticated about 9,000 to 11,000 years ago in Mesopotamia.