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If everything else was gone then the animal that ate your chicken was probably frightened away from the kill and just forgot it. No predator is that selective when consuming a dead bird. If the entrails and feathers were consumed it was more than likely a canine.

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Q: What animal eats everything but a head of a chicken?
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What animal eats the insides of chickens?

There are a number of predators who will remove and eat the head of a chicken working its way into the soft entrails of the kill. Raccoons, Opossum, skunk, fisher and others of the weasel family kill and consume this way. A better idea would be had, if entrance to the chicken coop was in evidence.Describing the way the predator got into the chicken coop is a better way of determining the culprit.

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This makes them look like the head of a very large animal instead of a ... This memory will stay with the predator, who will avoid that type of .... It eats milkweed in its larval stage and lays eggs on the poisonous milkweed plant. ...

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Well i don't know if it was 6 months or not, but it did live.. how can a animal live without a brain. Hmm.. Google: Mike The Wonder Chicken. :)

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An acorn fell upon Chicken Little's head .

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No, if they have killed an animal that is more than they or their family can eat, they will cache it to eat later.

How many degrees can an chicken turn it's head?

A chicken can turn its head about 99 degrees

What predatory bird leaves only the head of its prey behind?

A vulture will eat the head.predatory birdsa vultureThe question is what predatory bird leaves ONLY the head. Since a vulture (not really a predatory bird in the taxonomy sense) eats the head, then this does not answer the question. I know of birds of prey that eat ONLY the head when food is in good supply but know of NO bird that eats everything BUT the head unless it is full by the time he gets to it.

What is a ponychicken?

A mixture of a pony and a chicken. A pony with a chicken's head. :-)