

What animal has poorest hearing?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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snakes are

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Q: What animal has poorest hearing?
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What is the animal with the best hearing?

the animal with the best hearing is a dog

What ANIMAL has the hearing?

The bat has the best hearing !!!

Which animal has the best hearing?

Taylor Mckinley has amazing hearing

How is animal hearing different to human hearing?

Animal hearing is different to human hearing in various ways. The main difference is that animals have a high frequency range as opposed to the human ear.

What is the poorest animal in the world?

all animals are "poor" because they don't have a system of currency.

How is good hearing useful for animals?

Hearing is very useful for hearing prey or an animal that wants it for lunch!

What animal has the lowest hearing frequency?

A Pigeon has the lowest hearing Frequency at .1 Hz.

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The Elephant

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What animal have the strongest hearing?

snake. because is the only animal that use sound as his path.

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