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Q: What animal has red eyes at night with no light shining at them?
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What does the animal's eyes were embers in the dark night mean?

The animal's eyes glow in the night.

When you are sleeping and light shines through the window can a person see the light with their eyes closed?

When you are awake with your eyes closed, you can tell when there is a light on or a light shining nearby. However, if you are unconscious or sleeping, the brain may not detect a light shining. During the REM period of sleep, for example, you would be dreaming and not using your eyes to see your surroundings.

What is the purpose of mirroring?

mirrored goggles keep too much light from shining into your eyes it also makes the room darker

What are the animals that eyes glow in the dark?

No animals have eyes that glow at night. For an animal's eyes to glow at night, the animal's eyes would have to have a light source within them, and no animal has a light source within its eyes. Let's look a bit more closely. We often see footage (a video or the like) of animals where the film was shot at night. To see animals at night, we often use light sources that are not within the visible spectrum (and, thus, are invivible to animals), like infrared. In any case, the light source is pointed at the subjects (the animals), and the camera, which is sensitive to that frequency (or wavelength, if you prefer) of light captures the action. The "trick" is that the light will be reflected off the retina of the animals that look at the light source, and this reflection wil be picked up by the camera. It will appear that the animal has luminous (glowing) eyes, but it's really an optical trick. A number of animals can see well at night because light that enters their eyes and is reflected off the retina can be "re-reflected" back onto the retina to improve the resolving power of the animal's vision. As stated above, no animals have light sources within their eyes. And many animals have a retina that will reflect enough of the light from a film maker's source back into the camera lens, thus making the animal's eyes appear to "glow" in the night.

Does a raccoon see in the dark?

The special thing about their eyes is that they can see in both night and day. The raccoon is primarily a nocturnal animal. The raccoon's eyes have a little mirror in the back of the eye. The light that comes during the night is absorbed by the raccoons eyes. Some light doesn't get absorbed. The mirror reflects the little light that doesn't get absorbed. When the light gets reflected the raccoons eyes have another chance to absorb it.

Can you shrink your pupil?

your pupils are smallest when there is bright light shining in your eyes they are largest when it is dark, to allow most light possible in

What animal's eyes shine silverish blue at night?

The tapetum lucidum is a layer of tissue that lies right behind or sometimes in the retina of animals that produces the silverish-blue reflection you see if light is shone in their eyes at night. It aids in night vision.

Do raccoons see?

you mean raccoons and The special thing about their eyes is that they can see in both night and day. The raccoon is primarily a nocturnal animal. The raccoon's eyes have a little mirror in the back of the eye. The light that comes during the night is absorbed by the raccoons eyes. Some light doesn't get absorbed. The mirror reflects the little light that doesn't get absorbed. When the light gets reflected the raccoons eyes have another chance to absorb it.

Does 'Light and Darkness Dragon's effect work on 'Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon'?

In theory, yes. Light and Darkness Dragon's negation effect does not target, it could potentially be chained to Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon's Quick Effect. However becase Light and Darkness Dragon's effect is mandatory, in practice it will actually chain to the initial targeting effect, the one Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon was going to use its effect against.

What wild animal has glowing green eyes at night?

Albino animals have red eyes but they do not glow. Animals that have a reflective layer in the retina called the tapetum have eyes that seem to glow but, in fact, only reflect light that shines on them. Deer reflect white light, cats and 'possums reflect red.

What are some of the characteristics of night animals eyes?

they glow when the light falls on their eyes... this is due to refraction they acts as IR camera to watch in dim light of night