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Cats most defiantly then maybe dogs

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Q: What animal has the most people allergic to it?
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Will the fumes from the highlighter cause most people an allergic reaction?

No, most people are not allergic to the solvents used in highlighter pens.

Why is peanutbutter a very bad allergy that most people have?

Most people are not allergic to peanut butter. People who are allergic to nuts generally react to peanut butter.

What is the best cat for you if you are allergic?

Most people that are allergic to cats are only actually allergic to the fur, so a hairless cat.

Can salt be allergic?

Yes, people can be allergic to most anything. If you think you are allergic to salt, talk to your health care provider for advice.

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No, not that I know of. But most people are allergic to something, even if they don't know it.

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Yes. People can develop allergies to most anything at any time. And many people are allergic to fin fish.

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People can most certainly have an allergy or intolerance to turkey.

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As far as most people know he didn't have any allergies.

Are Miniature Poodles good pets for people allergic to dogs?

In most cases, yes they are. Poodles have "hair" as opposed to fur. If you are allergic to dogs, you should visit with a Poodle before you decide to get one. It's actually the dander that most people are allergic to.

What are people most allergic to?

Here are some things that people are commonly allergic to:Bed bugsPoison Ivy

What are the most popular things people are allergic to?

one of the answer is peanuts because of the protein it has inside it most people cant eat it

What is the animal that is allergic to penicillin?

Guinea Pigs.