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Q: What animal in the tundra eats labrador tea?
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What eats Labrador tea?

Labrador Tea is a common plant in the tundra that is eaten by most herbivores that live in the tundra. Native Americans used the leaves to make tea, to heal skin problens, and treat ailments of the stomach and liver.

Where does the labrador tea live?

in a tundra

What shrubs grow in the Arctic tundra?

There are several types of shrubs that grow in the Arctic tundra. Some of these include the dwarf birch, white dryad, northern Labrador tea, and Arctic white heather.

What are the 4 major plants in the tundra?

well im not sure if this is correct but bear berry (low evergreen),pasque flower,artic moss,and labrador tea.

What are the producers of a tundra?

Any type of plant is a producer. Arctic moss, Arctic willow, bear-berry, and labrador tea are all producers in the tundra. Also, the 100+ flowers that are in the tundra! Dont forget it!

What is something cold that starts with the letter t?

tea? or tundra?

What are the labrador tea adaptations?

It is the white fuzz underneath the leaves that help it retain moisture.

What are common plants in the tundra?

A lot of types for example: arctic moss, arctic willow, bearberry, caribou moss, diamond leaf willow, labrador tea, pasque flower, grasses lichens, seages, shrubs, birch trees, willow trees, and cushion plants etc.

Can a vegan drink tea?

it depends if the tea is not clarified or contains no animal glycerin or animal products. this is possible

What are some of the foods or drinks you could eat at the tundra?

a lot of meat and warm water (like tea)

Vegetation in the tundra?

The Tundra has a lot of plant life within this biome. Some common plants include the bearberry, arctic moss, Caribou moss, Diamond leaf willow, Labrador Tea, Pasque Flower, and the Tufted Saxifrage. The animals in the tundra eat these plants to survive and gain energy to stay warm. Some plants are useful for humans. The plants adapt by growing short and close to the ground to avoid high winds. Hairy stems also keep plants warm in the tundra. The bearberry is a plant with red berries and green leaves. This plant survives in this biome by staying close to the ground to avoid high winds. Hairy stems to help keep safe from the extreme temperatures Owls and birds in the tundra eat the berries on the plant. The bearberry isn't found in any other biome. The bearberry is the most common plant in the tundra.

Does tea powder contain animal fats?

Yes it does