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Q: What animal is the first largest animal in the world and is a filter feeder?
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Related questions

What is the first largest animal?

The sponge is believed to be the first animal.

What is the evolution of the sponge?

The sponge is a niche filler. It is a simple filter feeder which is hard to replace with any other animal because of it's simple life cycle.

Who made the first bird feeder?

the first person who made the bird feeder was your momma

Can whale sharks eat whales?

The whale Shark is a filter feeder and wouldn't be able to eat a whale unless the whale had been sent through a meat grinder first.

What animal has the second largest eyes in the world?

Blue whale first second ostrich

Why does one hummingbird take over your feeder?

Sometimes, male hummingbirds willl take possesion of a single feeder, driving away other hummingbirds..To remedy this, place another feeder away from the proximity of the first one, at least 100 feet.

How can a person teach their hedgehogs to drink from a Lixit animal water bottle?

Introduce the Lixit bottle to the hedgehog by hand several times, so the animal gets used to the shape, taste and smell of the feeder tip. Then try fixing the bottle to the animals houseing; if this does not work first time, try again.

What did the woolly mamth procet its sllef with?

First Its tusks..... its tusks could rip through skin second its size..... it was the largest animal back then

What is the first largest dolphin?

the beluga is the first largest dolphin

Do you change the oil filter first or drain the oil first?

Drain then change the filter.

How long does it take for a woodpecker to find a suet feeder?

I had a woodpecker on my suet feeder the first day I put it up, but it may take a few days, they can't really smell it so they need to come to the tree you have it in and find it.

The first largest country in the world?

Russia is the first largest country in the world