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Doesn't work like that.

For animal testing, you need lots of animals. And endangered animals are by definition animals that you can't get lots of.

So endangered animals aren't used in animals testing.

Animals used in animal testing are species like rats, rabbits, dogs, some species of monkeys.

All animals that can be easily bred in captivity. And not at all endangered as a specie.

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Q: What animal is the most endangered in the US in 20th century for product testing?
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Is there animal testing in peterborough?

There is animal testing anywhere where there is a lab, unless that product the lab is making says "THERE WERE NO ANIMAL TESTINGS MADE BY THIS PRODUCT".

Where did animal testing start?

animal testing started in Greek by Aristotle & Erasistratus in the 17th century

Does Cover Girl and Almay test their product on animals?

If on the packaging of a product (like the ones you mentioned and others as well) does not say "No animal testing" or something of the sort, they do not. But if they don't say anything about animal testing, they probably do animal testing. I would research it before supporting a company that might do animal testing.

Who decides what the stakeholders are in animal testing?

I think it would be the companys who animal test, people who use the product (suporters), and the people who are against animal testing.

When did animal testing begin'?

no one really knows for SURE but its said that the 1st major testing was in the late 19th century

Do scientist's use endangered animals for animal testing?

There isn't any. To do animal testing, you need quite a lot of animals to get reliable results. What happens to ONE animal, once, might just be random. And if something should be discovered later on, someone might need to go back and repeat the tests. Endangered animals are animals that are rare. Either hard to find, or not many left, or both. Ignoring everything else, it'd simply be hugely impractical to use endangered animals for animal testing.

How is animal testing changing?

Animal testing has changed a lot in the past centuries. When Galen disected pigs and goats in the 3rd and 4th century b.c. greek was called vivisection. Animal testing is pretty much the same thing except without disection.

How else would you know if a product is safe without animal testing?

If an animal didn't react to whatever people were testing it on negatively, it doesn't mean it won't effect humans negatively.

What are the beneifits of animal testing?

The benefits to animal testing is that some people can be saved if they have a disease for example cancer but the animal goes through pain, usually doesn't survive or isn't the same so its a choice between the animals life or the humans. I strongly disagree with animal testing for a beauty product.

do you care for endangered animals do you have an endangered animal .?

I do care but I do not have an endangered animal...

Is a wale endangered animal?

yes it is an endangered animal

What animals are killed during animal testing?

yes well that's not the only reason there's hunting cars poachers animal fights cruel people real sudden environment changes but animal testing is a big part of it like dissection and testing new medicine and other experi Cancel ments