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Clearly, Car Accidents. Everyone knows penguins can't drive.

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Q: What animal kills most people at the zoo?
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Related questions

What is the largest animal in a zoo?

depends on the zoo. most likely an elephant.

Where do animal will be happier zoo or wildlife sanctuary?

Animals are most comfortable in their natural habitat. However, people do try their best to make the zoo habitats as close to the wild as possible.

What is the tallest zoo animal?

The Giraffe is the tallest Zoo animal.

What is the most expensive tap zoo animal?

Giant Squid - 630,000,000

Is a lion a zoo animal?

A lion is both a zoo animal a wild animal. Most lions live out in the wild, hunting and sun bathing with their pack, if they have one. Then other lions live in captivity. Some people even keep lions as pets! I'm not saying do that, because that can be very dangerous...

What zoo animal starts with the letter v?

Vulture is an animal. It is an exhibit in the zoo.

Is there any animal they rhymes with zoo?

an animal that rhymes with zoo is cockatoo

A three letter word for menagerie?

An animal park is sometimes called an ark, but most often it's called a ZOO.

Is donkey a zoo animal?

no.Donkeys are farm animals and they live in a barnyard

What do they do with the animals in the zoo?

If the zoo doesn't want an animal, they sell them to a different zoo

What does zoo most likely means in Greek in English?

A zoo is an area that maintains a collection of wild animals. From the Greek word 'zoion' meaning 'animal'

How do you get into the zoo in Build-a-Bearville?

You have to buy a zoo animal or be a vib member to get acess to the zoo