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Hogs. Moles

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Q: What animal over turns grass lawns?
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Can you tell me the food chain of the fisher?

The fisher in the food chain is some what where the grass grows and the fisher eats the grass then a larger animal comes and eats the fisher and then that animal dies and turns into grass then it starts all over agan .

Is the grass that grows on most lawns an annual biennial or a perennial explain?

The grass that grows on most lawns is a perennial. This is because it grows, reproduces, and flourishes over and over and it still stays on your lawn. An example to prove it is a perennial is that if you had a lawn full of green grass and about 2 years later it is still there then it is not a biennial, and if you had a lawn full of green grass and the growing season is over and it is still there then it is not an annual. The only choice left is a perennial.

Do synthetic lawns fade over time?

Some people claim that synthetic lawns fade over time. However, when checking with many different manufacturers they claim that fading is nonexistent to minimal. I would recommend researching the brand and finding out whether they have a warranty that will cover this. JW Synthetic Grass claims that it does not fade. (

How many grass blades are there in the world?

Waaaay too many to count. Think of it this way: one acre of grassland can hold as many as over a million blades of grass. Now think of the billions of acres of grassland, lawns and pastures in the world and how many blades of grass are in those. Quite a few, right?

How do you cut the grass in Animal Crossing City Folk?

Just run over the grass several times a day and it will start to wear away.

What will be the compound subject in this sentence James mowed lawns and delivered papers over the summer?

mowed lawns and delivered papers

Why should gardeners think wireworms and moles are pests?

Moles eat the roots of many types of flowers and vegetables, grass, as well as the tunnels that cause lawns to have holes all over them.

How do you grow grass on Animal Crossing DS?

You cannot grow grass in Animal Crossing DS. If by any chance you mean City Folk, you have to try to play without walking on the grass or something. (This is for City Folk) I think if you just load your character, save and quit, and change the date day by day loading your character, that will probably make the grass go back.

Passive voice for grass grows over the field?

The field is grown over with grass

What is Green Lawns High School's motto?

Green Lawns High School's motto is 'Truth Prevails, Knowledge Is Power, Right Over Might, Service Before Self'.

How do you get rid of crowsfoot grass?

It's difficult to get rid of and tends to take over lawns especially if they are weak and sparsely grassed. Digging it out is one option using a knife or mattock. The other is using glyphosphate (Roundup). Also talk to your nursery because I'm not an expert in this area.

If you spread topsoil over grass will the grass grow through?

It definitely will, especially if you have Bermuda or wire grass.