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The Pinta Island Tortoise. There is only one male left alive on the entire planet.

Coming in a close second is the Yangtze River dolphin. There's only estimated to be 10-30 left in the wild.

However, many scientists consider both of them functionally extinct already.

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Amur Leopard There is an estimate of only 40 of these left on Earth.

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Q: What animal species does extinction affect the most?
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Extinction is when a animal doesn't exist any more, because all of its species has died out completely. It Can Also Be When Only A Few Animals Live But Most Are Dead Just Like A Mammoth is dead.

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Polar bears are not the most endangered animal ,but they are an endangered species.

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To protect animals and plant species that are threatened by extinction, you can:Let the population (local or national) know the importance of these species (if you do not know, you can easily find information about it on websites).Find out which plant and animal species are endangered and find a local place where you can helpVolunteer at campaigns on free daysFind trustworthy campaigns and donate money to a cause you feel most potentially dangerousSpread awareness to let other people donate to trustworthy campaigns as well

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A brief period of time in which large numbers of species die out and disappear is known as a mass extinction event. These events have occurred five times in Earth's history, with the most well-known being the extinction of the dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous period.

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Deforestation causes many species to become extinct and endangered. When the animal's habitat is destroyed, the species as a whole can not adapt fast enough to be able to live elsewhere, as they were adapted for the forest. Forced to go elsewhere, the animal will most certainly perish. A very large problem is with rain forests, as they present some of the most diverse ecosystems on earth. Their destruction has caused the extinction of countless species.

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