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Q: What animal was barred from entry in the us in the 1902 law?
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Is it against the law to go into a pub if not drinkin when you have been barred?

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Can you be barred legally from a pub for being a lesbian?

It depends on local law.

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Michigan Law Review was created in 1902.

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University of Chicago Law School was created in 1902.

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Name of law prohibitting one way entry by ship to Hawaii from the continental US? Name of law prohibitting one way entry by ship to Hawaii from the continental US?

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This is not true. No where in Canon Law will you find such a rule.

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No, nor in any other state. A felon is barred by Federal law from possessing a firearm.

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Animal Law Review was created in 1992.

Do i have to have a major to apply for law school?

A major is not required for entry into law school, but excellent grades are.

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The law violated is the law against animal cruelty. The maximum fine is $250,000.

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yes but you have to pay for it.