

What animal would eat a cheetah?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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12y ago

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a zebra

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Q: What animal would eat a cheetah?
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What kind of animals eat the cheetah?

N0o animal will eat a cheetah because it is a top predator nothing can eat a cheetah it can even eat it because it is so fast

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Which animal would win a cheetah or a wilddog?

The cheetah would win. Cheetahs are the fastest land animal.

How big of an animal will the cheetah eat?

up to 40kg

Where is the cheetah ranked in the animal kingdom?

The cheetah is often ranked number one at the top in the animal kingdom. This is because almost nothing will eat a cheetah and cheetahs only eat smaller animals.

Is a bat-eared fox a weak animal and cana cheetah eat it?

Bat-eared foxes are primarily insectivores, and are fairly small. A cheetah could certainly eat it, but the fox would hardly be a snack for a cheetah, which normally prey on larger animals.

What kind of diet does a cheetah eat?

it eats any animal

What quickest animal in Africa?

land animal would be cheetah.

How does a cheetah respond to its surroundings?

it runs if it sees danger like lions and any animal that would eat a cheetah Cheetahs do not want to be killed like humans so cheetahs run and they would run 70 miles per hour so it does not get killedit is easy for a cheetah because it is the fastes animal on the afican savana

What animal would hunt down a cheetah?

The cheetah is the fastest living animal on land and can reach speeds of around 100 kmph or more. This makes it virtually impossible for any other land animal to chase and kill. However, young ones aren't as fast as adults and are easy prey to other predators like lions or hyenas. Lions or hyenas usually don't eat the cheetah cubs. They just kill them to cut down on competition. So, the cheetah has no natural predator that would kill and eat them.

Would a cheetah eat a jackal?

No they do not. If you don't believe me than go on Google and type in jackrabbits facts than click Jackrabbit-Animal Facts,than go down and they will say predators and threats and you will see what eats them.

What does a cheetah prefer to eat?

it perfers to eat gazelles than any other animal in their food chain