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animals that live near crops

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Q: What animal would have the highest DDT in its body?
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Which member of food chain would have the highest level of DDT in animals body?

Top carnivores.

How does an animal living hundreds of kilometers from an area sprayed with DDT might get DDT in its body?

Many animals migrate at specific times of the year. An organism with DDT in its tissues may migrate a distance from the area it was sprayed; it may be consumed by a carnivore that would store a higher concentration of DDT in its body tissue. Migrating birds can carry DDT in their bodies even though they inhabit and can be consumed in an ecosystem that is distant from the one that is sprayed. The peregrine falcon is a species of bird found to have high concentrations of DDT in its body. The habitat of the falcon is quite broad, ranging from the North American boreal forest to areas of the southern United States. Falcon prey on organisms in areas where use of DDT is still prevalent, then migrate to areas where the use of DDT has been banned.

What is the relationship between the trophic level of an organism and the concentration of DDT in its body?

If an animal on a high trophic level eats other organisms on a lower trophic level effected by DDT, the animals level will be affected.

What was an animal which wasn't affected by DDT?


How could an animal living hundreds of kilometers away for an area sprayed with DDT still be at risk from DDT poisoning?

Many animals migrate at specific times of the year. An organism with DDT in its tissues may migrate a distance from the area it was sprayed; it may be consumed by a carnivore that would store a higher concentration of DDT in its body tissue. Migrating birds can carry DDT in their bodies even though they inhabit and can be consumed in an ecosystem that is distant from the one that is sprayed. The peregrine falcon is a species of bird found to have high concentrations of DDT in its body. The habitat of the falcon is quite broad, ranging from the North American boreal forest to areas of the southern United States. Falcon prey on organisms in areas where use of DDT is still prevalent, then migrate to areas where the use of DDT has been banned.

Why was DDT band in the late 1900s?

DDT was ban in the laye 1900's because it was killing the animal life- such as birds- and animal rights activists took it to court.

How does the DDT get from the mother to the pup after the pup is born?

DDT gets into animal tissue and remains there, building up over time. It typically gets into the animal from the things that the animal eats. With very young animals, the DDT get from the mother to the pup after the pup is born by passing through the mother's milk and into the pup.

What body tissue is DDT stored in humans?

DDT can be stored in fatty tissues of humans. In women who are pregnant, DDT exposure can occur even in the fetus.

How does DDT get from the body of a mother sea lion into the body of her pup after the pup is born?

DDT, which is a toxic pesticide, transfers from a mother sea lion to a pup through nursing. Even if the pup is not directly exposed to the DDT, it can be indirectly exposed through its mother's milk.

What is DDT and why does it accumulate in the body?

this website is actually a joke, half of the answers are wrong!

What problems did buildup of DDT in adult bald eagles cause?

In the 1940-1950's, DDT was used on crops to control pests. The DDT entered the water and was absorbed into the food chain of the Eagle. DDT would then enter the Eagle's systemm and it would cause them to lay eggs that had weak shells. The shell would break before the eaglet had time to hatch, thus reducing the population and threatening their extinction.

Is DDT a parasite?

DDT is an insecticide.