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Q: What animal would you be surprised to see at the zoo?
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What animals would a person be surprised to see at a zoo?

I would say rhino because you don't see to many rhinos at the zoo. •Bats •Tarsiers •Okapi •Mole rats •Dog (If someone saw a dog at a zoo they would be very surprised. Well I would be)

Rh-animal you might see at the zoo?


Would a emu be a good animal for the zoo?

yes it would

What is the tallest zoo animal?

The Giraffe is the tallest Zoo animal.

What zoo animal starts with the letter v?

Vulture is an animal. It is an exhibit in the zoo.

Is there any animal they rhymes with zoo?

an animal that rhymes with zoo is cockatoo

If you had to live at the zoo what type of animal would be the easiest to have as your roommate?


What is a 3 letter word for animal sanctuary?

I think it would bee a zoo, but it might not be because a zoo is not always a sanctuary.

What zoo animals do not get along?

Zoo animals are tamed. But anyone of the animals can still get in fights. So the answer would be any animal.

What are the feelings of an animal in a zoo setting?

if you wre in a cage how would you feel think 'bout it an animal feels the same way as you would

What animal eats a larch tree?

a gerafe i cant spell it but you see it in the zoo i hope i help

Would you see a griffin in the zoo?

No, not a griffin from fable.